It didn’t take long before she had to tear her lips from his, her breaths coming in draws as she built towards another release. Teeth nipping her nipples, thrusts accompanying his thumb strumming against her clit, she rode him with every ounce of strength she had, enjoying each sensation that pushed her higher and closer to another release. It hit her with an intensity that nearly made her pass out. When she opened her eyes, she still panted. She was cradled in his arms. He pressed the gentlest of kisses to her lips.

“We forgot to use the condom,” he said. “I remembered it right before you came, but the sensation of you coming around me pushed me over the edge and I didn’t have time to get out of you before I came.”


Laura Lee woke to the unique sensation of semen and her own juices leaking from her. Her head turned on the pillow to view Brad’s handsome face snuggled against her. They’d left the bathroom light on, and the door cracked to give her a little light in the unfamiliar room. She ran her hand over his back where her hand held. His warm flesh was firm. She slid her hand down over his hip and she cupped his toned ass.

She felt him stir, respond. Between them, his cock grew hard, and he snuggled closer to her. Then his hand caressed her. It stilled when it reached the sticky wetness between her legs.

“I am so sorry,” he whispered. “I can’t tell you how badly I feel that I didn’t stop us the second I realized I wasn’t wearing it.”

She pressed her lips to his. “It was both of our faults. We both should have been thinking about it, but I wasn’t. All I could think about was how incredible it felt to be with you. If it gives you peace of mind, I know my cycle and I am not anywhere near when I should be ovulating. I think we’re safe.”

“Mm, I like that,” he said. He rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. “I promise I’ll wear one this time.”

“I doubt I’ve ovulated in the past few hours since we fell asleep, so I’m not sure it matters,” she said. She rocked onto his now hard cock, pressing it into her slick channel.

They both moaned aloud from the intense pleasure the sudden impaling brought. Yes, skin to skin was an incredible sensation, and they both knew in that moment they had to find an alternate birth control method, as neither one of them would want a condom between them.

After they made love again, they lay tangled in each other’s limbs. It was comfortable.

“I could get used to this,” Laura Lee said.

“You are going to be here for at least the next month. I’ll be completely used to this by the time you’re on some sort of away rotation again.”

“You know, it no longer matters to me who knows about us. This feels so incredibly right.”

He kissed her and then hovered over her face, staring into her beautiful brown eyes. “Yes, it does. I have to confess to you that I haven’t had many relationships. My job and my hours have made it hard. And I’ve never had a woman live with me. But I am so excited that you’ll be here for the next month and then here again when your team is in town. But I can tell you already, those separations are going to suck.”

She smiled at his statement. “I like that you’re thinking about that. How’d you become an Ops analyst anyway, and working for Shepherd?”

“Pure chance. I majored in political science and was fascinated by international politics. The father of a college friend of mine was an analyst with the CIA and we talked and the next thing I knew, he helped them recruit me after I’d gotten my master’s degree. I worked for them for nearly eight years advancing to Operations Specialist and that was long enough. I knew Yvette from that work, and she knew Shepherd. I’d never met him before, but Yvette knew I had grown as disillusioned with the CIA mission and tactics as she had by that point, so she made the introduction and recommended me to Shepherd.”

“I am so glad Yvette made that introduction.”

“Me too,” he said.

“And I am so glad I got to know you. I’m glad I’m here with you.”

“And I am honored that I am the person you trusted to be with. We need to talk about that sometime, you know.”

“I know,” she agreed. “Can it be later? I just want to enjoy these normal moments with you. Being with you feels so good, Brad. I think I can be completely okay now, which I wasn’t sure I would ever be.”

Dupont held her tightly and let it drop. She deserved to just enjoy them holding each other without having to think about or talk about Harrison West’s assault and what issues it had caused her. “Are you hungry? I have steaks.”

“Mm, that sounds good. That’s the other thing I could get used to over the next month, your incredible cooking.”

“I want to try this meatloaf and fried chicken you claim you made your mom,” he said with a laugh.

“Claim? I did make it, from scratch. I’ll have you know.”

“I’d like to meet your family,” he said. “Are you ready for that? Could we plan a trip over Thanksgiving? The agency will probably be nearly closed down for the holiday.”

She smiled at him. “Are you ready for that?”

“Baby, I want to proclaim to the world that we’re together. Bring it. I’m ready.”

She chuckled. Warmth filled her heart and spread through her. “My mom is so going to like you.”