“Not that I could eat more if I was allowed to, but how long will I be on a liquid diet?”

“At least a few days, I’d think,” Doc answered as he viewed his phone. “Elizabeth is here to pick me up. She’s just parking the car. She wants to come and see you. Is that okay?”

She nodded. Doc’s wife, Elizabeth, was a sweetheart. Laura Lee didn’t know her well, but she liked her. “To pick you up? Doc, did you stay here with me since they brought me in?”

He nodded.

“What day is it?”

“It’s Labor Day Monday. You called into Ops last night.”

“The Lexington Case starts tomorrow?” Laura Lee said, shocked. She’d lost an entire day. Shepherd’s wedding had been two days ago. She’d had stomach pains on and off that day, while she manned the onsite Operations Center with Delta Team’s Danny ‘Mother’ Trio. She didn’t know him well, so she’d kept quiet about not feeling well and just pushed through the pain.

“Yes. We have a briefing in the morning and then will fly out.”

“Thank you for staying with me.”

“You’re welcome,” Doc said.

Laura sipped her beef broth. It actually tasted very good, and she realized she was hungrier than she originally felt. The longer she sat up, the better she felt.

It wasn’t long before Doc’s wife, Elizabeth, came into the room. She was followed by Angel Jackson, who held a big bouquet of flowers. Angel Jackson was the office manager and Shepherd’s executive assistant. She was also the wife of Ethan ‘Jax’ Jackson of Alpha Team. Laure Lee didn’t know her well either, but everyone spoke highly of her. From what she’d seen, both women were as nice as they seemed.

“For you,” Angel said with a smile holding the flowers out to her. “How do you feel?”

“They’re beautiful. Thank you,” Laura Lee said with an appreciative smile. “Better now that I’m sitting up and I’ve eaten something.”

Elizabeth came in close. She patted Laura Lee’s arm. “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m glad Alexander was in the building when you called into Ops.”

“Yes, thank God you made that call,” Angel said. “Let me know if you need anything from the apartment. I can get it and bring it to you tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you, yes, there are a few things. Doc, is my phone here?”

Doc pointed behind her. “It’s back there by the plug. It should be charged by now.” He moved behind the bed and retrieved it.

“I’ll need some clothes for when I’m released and my laptop.” That was when she remembered the coursework and the decision she had to make. Stall and refuse to submit it and get either fired or sent back to her unit or submit it and let Harrison West know where she was.

“Did you just get in more pain?” Elizabeth asked.

“No, why would you think that?”

“Just that the expression on your face changed.”

“I’ll hold off on bringing your laptop,” Angel said. “You still need rest and if you’re like everyone else on the team you’ll push yourself to work when you really shouldn’t.”

Laura Lee smiled. No, she wasn’t like everyone else on the team, she was sure. “Okay, hopefully I won’t be in here too long. And yes, I do have some work I need to get done,” she said. She was sure whatever she said would get back to Shepherd or Cooper and she wanted to at least seem like she cared about getting her work done, specifically the FBI coursework that they all thought she hadn’t completed. Certainly, being laid up in the hospital would buy her some more time to figure out what the hell she was going to do.

“Just take it slow.” Doc warned. “And don’t sit up too long. You may feel a bit light-headed on and off. That’s normal. I’ll let the nurses know that I’m leaving so they’ll check in on you.” He pointed out the call button on the bed.

“Okay. Thanks again,” she said, locking eyes with his. Then her gaze swept over to Angel and Elizabeth. “And thank you for the flowers.”

“You’re welcome,” Angel said. “You have my number in your phone. Just call or text if you need anything.”

“And if you get lonely or bored, you can call me just to talk if you want,” Elizabeth said. “Being with kids all the time, I’m usually up for an adult conversation.” She smiled invitingly.

“I wouldn’t want to bother you if you’re busy with the kids,” Laura Lee said. She knew Elizabeth watched a lot of the kids of the agency personnel. She and Doc had a daughter who was just over a year old.

“I’ll let you know if I am too busy and can always call you back,” Elizabeth said. “But call if you need anything.”