BT glanced at her and nodded. He pulled into Dupont’s driveway. “Have a nice day and evening. If you need a ride to the office tomorrow, send me a text by zero seven hundred. I was serious when I told Garcia I wasn’t coming in until eight hundred.”

Laura Lee chuckled. “Thanks for the ride, for everything. You have a good day with Evie, too.”

She got out of the car and then pulled her backpack from the backseat. Brad stood at the door with it open. He waved to BT as he backed out of the driveway. Laura Lee jogged up the few stairs to join him and was immediately engulfed in a hug.

He pulled her inside and pressed her body against the wall with his as he closed the door. He cupped her face between his hands and gently pressed his lips to hers. She dropped her backpack so her hands could hold him. The kiss was slow and sensual as his fingers took in the softness of her skin. “Hi,” he whispered when he pulled his lips back.

“Hi,” she replied. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too. I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’m glad I’m here, too,” she said, her eyes magnetically drawn to his. She was torn, wanting to kiss him and more, and feeling like they needed to talk about so much.

Dupont felt the shift in her, a heaviness suddenly burdened her gaze. He took her by the hand and drew her to the couch. She removed her jacket and set it on the arm of the couch before he sat and pulled her onto his lap. “Talk to me,” he said, his hand caressing her cheek. “You have a lot on your mind.”

She beamed a relieved smile at him; thankful he initiated the conversation that she knew they needed to have. “Before I left HQ, Shepherd talked to me about us.”

“Yes, he and I had a chat before I left HQ this morning, too. That’s one thing I appreciate about the man. He puts it out there. You never have to wonder where you stand with him. What you see is what you get. Trust me, that’s not normally the case when you deal with anyone in the intelligence community.”

“Didn’t that bother you, that he knew?”

Dupont stared hard at her. “Why is it bothering you that it’s out?”

“It’s not so much bothering me as I wanted to keep it private for a bit until you and I actually figure out what this is. Don’t you think since everyone knows it puts pressure on us?”

“What kind of pressure?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I just don’t like the idea that our coworkers will be watching us and talking about us and probably assume we’re already sleeping together.”

Dupont chuckled. “If they are, I guarantee they’re jealous. I prefer to focus on the fact that since they know it makes it easier for us. We won’t have to hide anything. No lying, no sneaking around. And like today, it means they just assume you’ll be staying here, so no explanations are needed. BT offered to give you a ride since you don’t have a car.”

“I should probably talk with Shepherd about a rental for me if I can’t use one of the agency cars. I’m probably going to be around for another month. I’ve requested full Operator training.”

Dupont was surprised to hear her say this. “You’d been so opposed.”

“Yes, I was. But that was before I was in the field and my family was threatened. Having the training will at least give me the tools to keep myself and my family safe as well as to be a full member of the team. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to be volunteering for more field work like Michael and Sebastian, but if they need me for a specific case, I want to be able to be valuable to the agency.”

“You always impress me.” Dupont kissed her again. His hands held her curves, yearning to feel more of her soft skin. He had to remind himself to go slowly. They still needed to talk about her comfort level regarding intimacy. Doctor Lassiter had warned him that she may have triggers that even she wasn’t aware of.

When their lips separated, Laura Lee didn’t want them to. She didn’t want to talk anymore. She wanted to let instinct and physical sensations sweep them into a magical place that was fueled by raw desire. Her body throbbed with that yearning. Her heart was full of intense emotions. Words were not necessary. Touch would convey all that needed to be said.

“Laura,” his raspy voice began, but she stopped his words with a finger to his lips.

She shook her head at him and then replaced her finger with her lips. Her tongue immediately pressed against the seam of his lips and then slid inside his mouth, hungry to devour him. Her hands ran over his sculpted shoulders, hard chest, and tight abs. She shifted her position, so she straddled him, allowing space for her hands to slip between them, his swollen member the destination.

He moaned his pleasure at her strokes, firm and unhurried. His hands gripped her perfectly round ass after she’d straddled him, and all he could think about was driving her down onto his ready cock as he pushed into her.

Brad’s deep, intense kisses, the sensation of his hands kneading her butt cheeks, and her hand gripping and massaging over the swell at the front of his pants permeated her with a single yearning. She needed to feel his body flush against hers with nothing between them. No clothes. She wanted to feel his hands run over every part of her, skin to skin. No, she needed to feel it. She needed to kiss him with everything she had. She needed to freely touch his naked body with willing hands. She needed to straddle him and control the intimate moment that he would penetrate her. And at that moment he penetrated her, she needed their fingers to be laced together so she could hold on to him.

His hand slid up under the back of her shirt, which created shockwaves of pleasure to ripple through her when she felt the skin-to-skin contact. She gasped at the sensation. His lips trailed over her jaw to her ear where he kissed and licked while hot breaths blew across her, tingling every part of her, especially between her legs where she was aware of the moisture pooling.

Dupont heard only moans and gasps of breathless pleasure coming from her as he freely caressed, kissed, and licked wherever his hands and mouth touched her. Her pelvis was now flush against his hard cock, and she pressed to him as if trying to achieve penetration through their clothes. Her hands gripped his biceps, and she pulled on him to get as close to him as she could. If he felt even the slightest pressure to push him away, he’d stop.

He pushed her shirt up, his fingers trailing over her skin as it rose. The sensation that rocked her was nothing short of incredible. She raised her hands into the air so he could pull it free. And when his hands skittered across her bared flesh, suddenly chilled, his hands heated her where he touched. She wanted his lips to follow the path his fingers had taken.

Dupont gazed over her nearly bare torso, enjoying the beautiful view. Hardened nipples strained against black lacy fabric that held two perfect globes that he couldn’t wait to touch, couldn’t wait to taste. When he became aware that she was taking his shirt off as well, he released her and assisted in the effort. Then he pulled her against himself, bare skin to bare skin, and they both moaned from the satisfying sensation of it.

“I want you naked and in my bed,” his strangled voice grunted.