Once inside, she went into the bathroom and splashed cool water on her face. Then she applied another coating of deodorant, followed by swishing a capful of mouthwash around her mouth. She ran her fingers through her hair. Her heart sped up when she heard his knock at the door.

She swung the door open and greeted him with a smile, trying to keep herself from looking too eager. “Hi. This is a nice surprise.”

“I was glad you made it back before I left,” he said as he came into the room. “You and Garcia rocked it. You have to be proud of what you’ve proven.” He motioned to the chairs. He sat after she settled in. “And you look like you’re moving around easier. Feeling better?”

“Yes, I do feel better and thank you, yes, I am proud of what we accomplished.” She smiled. And she was. She realized that for the first time, she was overflowing with pride for being a part of Shepherd Security. She felt more a part of the team than she had any other team. “I have you to thank for encouraging me to tell Shepherd everything.” She leaned forward, her elbows on her knees, able to do so for the first time since her surgery without pain. “Brad, thank you for being there for me, for this friendship that made it safe for me to confide in you.”

Dupont also leaned forward, elbows to knees. His face was just inches from her face. His eyes were locked onto hers. He saw immense affection in her returned, intense gaze. He’d promised himself that when the moment was right that he would let her know his feelings for her.

He knew this was the moment as his eyes stared deeply into hers. If she shot him down, he’d deal with it and the fallout from it. “Thank you for honoring me by confiding in me. But you have to know that my feelings for you go beyond friendship.” He slowly rocked forward, his eyes never breaking contact with hers. She said nothing, and she didn’t look disturbed by his declaration. He gently pressed his lips to her perfectly shaped, full lips.

Laura Lee sat motionless, Brad’s lips on hers. The kiss was soft, slow, sensual. And it heated every part of her. She leaned further into him as she parted her lips, inviting him to deepen the kiss. She was dizzy and realized she wasn’t breathing. She gasped when his tongue slid against hers and an electric sensation shot through her, followed by a flood of desire, and a strong need to feel his body pressed completely to hers with nothing between them.

When he finally reached a hand to cup her face, Laura Lee leaned completely into him, her skin tingling where he touched her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She let her hands take in the sensation of holding him as her fingers trailed over his toned back, muscled shoulders, and slowly up his neck, before fanning out to caress his head. He sighed a moan into her mouth and then pulled her completely onto his lap.

The kiss lasted far longer than Dupont intended, knowing her history. The last thing he wanted to do was go too fast. When she opened her eyes, the pupils were dilated, molten chocolate windows into her soul. He watched her tongue flick out to lick her lips and he groaned. The weight of her sitting in his lap against his desire flooded more blood into the already engorged area.

Laura Lee hadn’t wanted that kiss to end. She thought about pinching herself to be sure it was real. It had been forever since she’d kissed a man, and she was quite sure no one had ever kissed her like that in her life. Her eyes were locked onto his and she saw only yearning in his return gaze. “That was nice,” she finally managed to say.

His hand still cupped her face. He caressed her soft skin tenderly. “It was,” he agreed.

Her skin tingled beneath his touch. His fingers slipped down her neck, inched over her shoulder and then lazily traced their way back up to her face, leaving a trail on her skin that wanted more, needed more. This time, she took the lead. She pressed her lips to his while holding the back of his neck and drawing his face to hers.

They were both panting minutes later when their lips parted. “I want to be with you,” Dupont said. “Tell me if we need to go slow.”

Laura Lee smiled provocatively. She stood and pulled on his hand to follow her as she stepped towards the bed.

Dupont came to his feet, but pulled her into his chest and held her close. “I, uh, don’t have a condom,” Dupont breathed, really mad at himself that it was the case.

“I’m not on any birth control,” Laura Lee said. “I’m allergic to the shot the agency would give.”

He dropped his forehead against hers. “We make sure we have some after this case is over and we have dinner. Plan on staying over at my place that night.”

Laura Lee breathed out hard, frustrated. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

Dupont groaned again. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that I’m not sure I can hold you and not take it further.”

“You could pull out,” she suggested, knowing as she said it that it was risky and that many who used this method of birth control were parents. This was more than likely the failed method her sister used, resulting in at least one of her pregnancies.

Dupont chuckled. “You don’t know how badly I want to do that. But we both know how human reproduction works and why that’s not a viable birth control method.”

Now Laura Lee groaned. “I don’t want to say goodnight to you yet.”

Dupont stepped all the way over to the bed, bringing her with him. “Let’s do this. We lie on top of the covers and all clothes stay on. No touching below the belt or under the shirt. We keep it in the PG realm.”

Laura Lee laughed. “This is not what I fantasized a night with you would be like.”

“Ah, so you have fantasized about it.”

Laura Lee’s cheeks heated. She didn’t answer. Instead, she crawled onto the bed, positioning herself in the middle. She watched as Brad lowered himself beside her. After he’d turned off the bedside light, plunging the room into darkness, he rolled onto his side and wrapped himself around her.

She turned her head towards his. She felt his exhale brush her cheek and knew his lips were close enough to kiss. She reached her lips towards him and pressed an open mouth kiss to his lips. The kiss became intense immediately. She withdrew her lips after a few pleasurable moments. “Good night, Brad. And yes, I have fantasized about spending the night with you.”

His smile grew as big as his cock, which was throbbing after that kiss. “You’re killing me,” he moaned.

“What about you?”
