
Now that her mother was settled in the ultra-spa-like setting at the facility right on Miami Beach, Laura Lee and Garcia turned back to business, specifically planning their visit to Assistant District Attorney Zelda Dobson. She graduated from Mary Washington the year before Laura Lee.

“With a name like Zelda, I should remember her,” Laura Lee remarked.

“She was a pre-law major,” Brad Dupont’s voice came through the car speakers. He was in Ops at HQ. “I doubt you would have had any classes with her.”

“True,” Laura Lee admitted. “Do you know what I just noticed? Zelda Dobson is the only one of the women we’ve looked into that’s ever been married.”

“I don’t find it that odd,” Dupont said. “Statistically, the median age for a first marriage in the United States is nearly thirty.”

“If we don’t get anywhere with the ADA herself, a visit to her ex-husband may yield results,” Garcia chimed in.

“I’m more interested in her case dismissal record. She opts to prosecute very little drug possession with intent to sell cases. That speaks volumes if you ask me,” Dupont said.

“Smith and the Digital Team are still looking into her finances,” Garcia said. “Something is off there related to some rental property she has. I wish we had time to go to the locations and check them out. It sure looks like she’s on someone’s payroll.”

“Isn’t anyone else available to assist?” Laura Lee asked.

“Delta Team and Jackson are still tied up on that CIA referral, which looks like it may be something,” Dupont answered.

“If there’s something substantial to follow up on down here, Shepherd will deploy the rest of Echo Team and push off the next install.”

“I’d say the chances are slim to none that you’ll get any info out of Dobson, so I don’t see that happening,” Dupont added.

“That’s why I go in with my DEA creds,” Garcia said. “Maybe that’ll shake her up a bit if I throw around words like collusion and blackmail.”

“It’ll be interesting to see what her next move will be after she has you tossed out of her office,” Dupont said with a chuckle. “Her schedule is only clear for the next half-hour; you don’t want to take your time getting there. She’s due in court later this morning.”

Zelda Dobson’s office was in a low-rise government building in downtown Miami, not far from the Miami Beach facility they’d checked her mother into under her maiden name, just off Interstate 395. They arrived minutes after they’d ended the call with Dupont. Garcia had Laura Lee leave her weapon locked in the car as with most government buildings they would go through metal detectors to enter. He presented his badge and credentials, and the pair cleared security quickly.

They took the open, interior staircase to the third floor, where Dobson’s office was located. Office was generous. It was an interior cubicle. Although it had a door, the walls didn’t reach to the ceiling. Laura Lee knew that Garcia was counting on privacy to confront Dobson.

She followed Garcia to Dobson’s open door.

“Zelda Dobson?” he asked, badge and creds in hand.

She glanced up from behind a six-inch-high stack of folders in front of her. “Yes.”

“Agent Garcia, DEA. My partner, Smith,” he introduced. “Is there some place we can speak privately?”

“You’re not on my calendar. Most people that would like to talk with me call and make an appointment.” Her voice was icy.

“This unannounced visit was unavoidable. I’m sure you’ll agree when you hear us out,” Garcia said confidently.

“I don’t know you. Are you newly assigned to the area?”

“No ma’am. We’re part of a special task force from out of the area.”

Sensing a big, high-profile case that could boost her career, her eyebrows lifted as she rose from her desk chair. “This way.” She led them from her office to a back corner and then sealed them within a small conference room.

Garcia leaned against the closed door as ADA Dobson and Laura Lee sat opposite each other. Laura Lee considered this woman and her position and what they were about to accuse her of. If they were wrong, this would be a hell of an insult. If they were right, she’d immediately go on the offensive. Either way, from this moment forward, it would be a confrontation. Laura Lee didn’t like confrontations.

“So, how can I help the DEA?” Zelda Dobson asked.

“We’re investigating a case of blackmail and collusion,” Garcia started.

“Regarding drugs?” she asked.