Laura Lee rolled his words around her brain. If someone had told her a month ago that she’d be having this conversation with Garcia, she would have sworn it could never happen. “I know you’re right. But it just makes me so sad and angry that West did it to her exactly the same way he did it to me.”

“It’s a tactic that’s worked for him. He’s probably refined it over the years, but why change a play that works?” Garcia remarked. “You held it together well during the interview.”

A small grin pulled at her lips. “Thank you. I had coaching from Doctor Lassiter. And I knew that there was no place for any emotionalism from me during that. The emotions belonged to Michelle Keslar. She was the victim whose statement we were taking.”

“You’re well suited to taking statements. BT has reported that you’re one hell of an electrical engineer, but you know, one day the contract for the PGP Project will be completed. We will need an engineer in a limited capacity for other security gigs, but we’ll need your other skills as well.”

This statement surprised her. Did he know something about the end date of the PGP Project that she didn’t? Was that what all the cross-training was really about? “Well, I really do like the type of work the Digital Team does.”


They arrived in Richmond at the law firm where their second potential victim worked as a very junior associate. Her name was Jessica Lansing. Garcia initiated a call with Dupont and Smith at HQ as they’d been doing a deep dive into Liu as well as Miss Jessica Lansing. He put the call on speaker.

“It says in her file that she attended the three plus three program between Mary Washington and George Mason’s Law School, completing both her undergrad and law school in six years. She’s only been employed at this firm for two months,” Laura Lee pointed out. “I’m not sure what kind of help she could give West.”

“Maybe she hasn’t been tapped on yet,” Smith said. “One of the partners at that firm has ties to Liu, fraternity brothers. Liu is also on staff at George Mason. He teaches the same students at both universities in that crossover program. I wouldn’t be surprised if Liu helped her get the job at that firm.”

“How far into Liu’s financials have you gotten?” Garcia asked.

“Not too far. There are a lot of transfers going to family members and back again. There are even funds going to and from China. It looks pretty damn sketchy.”

“I’ll dive into that,” Garcia said.

Laura Lee glanced at the black glass building through the windshield as she listened to Smith’s report. Of course, they were fraternity brothers. The boys’ club ran the show in nearly all professional careers. “So, do we wait to talk to her until she leaves work for the night? She might be more open to talking to us outside of her work environment.”

“I agree,” Dupont said. “As junior as she is there, she’d have zero clients that weren’t given to her by the partners. It might raise suspicion if she has visitors.”

“Smith, continue to track her phone and let me know when she’s on the move,” Garcia said.

“Where will you be?” Smith asked.

“At Saxton’s mother’s residence. I’ll dive into Liu’s financials while she visits with her mom. And we’ll roll on the Lansing woman when you advise where she goes after work. I’d have no problem dropping in on her at a bar or as she’s coming out of a store. But I do prefer we hit her up at her residence.”

“Roger that, Razor. I’ll monitor it and keep you advised.”

“Have a nice visit with your mom, Laura,” Dupont said.

“Thanks. I will. She was happily surprised when I told her I’d have an hour or so to visit today.”

Dorthea Saxton sat on her living room couch in the front room watching for Laura Lee to arrive. After Laura’s call, she dressed in one of her favorite outfits and made an effort to make herself look presentable. She put on some makeup and smoothed her hair by scrunching in a product that calmed the frizz and made the hair look soft. She was blessed with a full head of black hair with no gray or white strands peeking through.

Laura Lee saw her through the large window as she and Garcia approached the front door. She had the key and unlocked the door. “Hi Mom,” she greeted with a big smile as she crossed the room to take her mom in a hug as her mom slowly came to her feet. “I’m so glad this worked out.”

“Me too, honey,” Dorthea said. She looked her over top to toes. “You look good. I’d never guess how recently you had emergency surgery.”

“I’m healing well. I’m not on full duty yet, but well enough to run point to set up our next installation.”

“I’m so proud of you, honey,” her mom said. “I have to trust that the doctors wouldn’t have let you travel if you weren’t up for it.” Her eyes went to Garcia, who stood in the entry. “Please come in. Welcome. I’m Dorthea Saxton, as I’m sure Laura Lee has already told you.”

Garcia crossed the room and extended his hand. “Anthony Garcia, ma’am, one of Laura Lee’s coworkers.”

“He has some work he needs to do while we visit. I’ll show him to the kitchen. Can I get you a cup of coffee or a glass of water while I’m there?” she motioned to the couch, for her mom to retake her seat.

An hour later, Garcia’s phone vibrated with an incoming call. “What do you have?” he asked when he answered.

“The Lansing woman is on the move,” Smith’s voice came through Garcia’s phone. “Just left the office and is traveling in the direction of her residence.”

Garcia popped into the living room where Laura Lee and her mother sat engaged in conversation. “I’m sorry, Laura, we have to go.”