“I guess Doc will decide that when he gets back from Colorado.”

“He’ll probably be back in a few days,” Brad said. “It looks like they’re about to wrap that case up.”


“Yes.” He paused and laughed. “All the action is happening during the day. That place is dead overnight. Smith told me about it, though. That scumbag doctor really got under his skin. Not only is he doping his patients with prednisone without their knowledge, but he’s also banging half his staff. There’s a reason he usually only hires young, fit, pretty women.”

“Why, with guys, does everything always come down to sex?”

Brad Dupont raised his hands in a surrendering gesture. “Whoa, Laura, at least add present company excluded.”

Laura Lee chuckled. “Okay, yes, present company excluded. But really, men in general, why are they always thinking about sex?”

The smile on his face spread. “You seriously have to ask that?”

“I’m sure this doctor is abusing his position of authority over his staff and coercing them into having sex with him.”

“Or they just find him charismatic and sexy and want it,” Dupont said.

Laura Lee laughed out loud. “I didn’t know you were such a comedian. I’ve seen pictures of this guy. He’s not sexy. But thank you, this is the best laugh I’ve had all week.”

They continued joking around and laughing until an alarm went off on his phone. “My break’s over. Let me help you up before I go.”

“I’m fine, go ahead,” she said.

Brad held his hand out to her after he stood. “Accept the help, Laura.”

She knew he wasn’t just referring to a hand up. She placed her hand in his and he pulled her to her feet. Yes, it still smarted when she moved. “Thank you. And thank you for your company tonight.” It was just what she needed. She always enjoyed spending time with him. He made her laugh. She appreciated his intellect. Conversation always came easily with him. And she, of course, being attracted to him, always felt almost giddy when she was with him.

He came in close and placed his hands on each of her shoulders. He gave them a gentle squeeze. “Try to get some sleep, but call me if you need anything. I’m on the next five nights.”

After he left, she realized that her heart was racing, just from the platonic contact of his hands on her shoulders. She mentally kicked herself for allowing herself to react to him with romantic feelings when he always had only approached her as friends. But it was the first time he’d touched her in any way, and she was attracted to him physically as well as mentally.

“You’re pathetic!” she said aloud to herself.


The next few days passed quickly, and Laura Lee continued to improve, noticing less pain daily. She also continued her research into Harrison West and female students at the University of Mary Washington.

Either Dahlia or Angel checked in on her daily and replenished her food, inviting her to come down to the kitchen on the fifth floor for lunch or even to come have coffee in the morning or tea in the afternoon. “You have to be lonely and bored stiff up here,” Angel remarked.

“Not really,” Laura Lee answered. She tapped her laptop. “I have a lot of research that has been keeping me busy.” She wouldn’t tell Angel that she was an introvert who preferred to be alone. Not to mention that she didn’t want to run into Shepherd or Cooper.

“It’s an open invitation,” Angel said. “I’m glad that you’re feeling better.”

Caleb Smith visited again and gave her the full story of what happened in Colorado when that Op was concluded. The team was on the Lear, flying back to HQ. She knew that meant that Doc would be back, and he’d probably release her to limited duty, which probably meant the Ops Center.

“Have you given any more thought about talking with Shepherd?” Caleb asked.

“I’ve thought of nothing else.”

“Laura, don’t you think it’s time you trust someone?”

“I told you. I trust you, Caleb.”

“Besides me,” he moaned. “If not Shepherd, Madison, BT, or Lassiter?”

They were all appropriate chain of command options. “I promise you; I’m considering it.”