“I rode Tomboy,” Liam told her. “Do you think Aunt Nicky would let me ride Storm Chaser?”

Steph snorted. “In your dreams, maybe.” She cut his sandwich and handed the plate it was on to him. “She won’t even let me ride him.”

“Grandad would’ve let us,” Jack’s voice lowered, and his eyes shadowed as he mentioned their late grandfather.

“Yeah, he let us ride him a few times after he got Storm Chaser.” Liam’s voice held a wisp of nostalgia. He wasn’t as emotional as his twin brother. “I’d like to ride him again now that I’m older.”

“You’ll have to charm your aunt into it,” Steph advised him, finishing Jack’s sandwich.

“That shouldn’t be too hard, then.” Max sighed and shook his head. “Your aunt spoils the life out of the two of you.”

“That was before Riley came along,” Liam told them, and his eyes lit with realization. “Maybe she’ll need me to ride him now she’s so busy with Riley, the bookstore, Mike, and Jade.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that.” Steph cleaned up. “Storm Chaser is her other baby.”

“I’m going to ask when she takes us riding again,” Liam informed them and took a bite of his sandwich. “Great PBJ, Mom.”

He kissed her cheek, grabbed water from the refrigerator, and left the kitchen. His brother followed suit, and the two of them went to sit outside near the pool.

“So, I’m guessing we’re getting pizza?” Steph finished putting the snack stuff away and wiped her hands on a dishtowel.

“We can get something else if you don’t feel like pizza,” Max suggested.

“Actually, I feel like pizza,” Steph, who didn’t enjoy pizza, surprised him by saying.

“Oh!” Max’s eyes widened, and his brows shot up. “Sure. Pizza it is, then.”

“I’ll order if you can fetch it?” Steph asked him, going through the drawer where all the takeout menus were kept to find the pizza menu. “Ah, this place has that sticky-toffee dessert I love.”

“I’ll find out what Liam and Jack want for dessert,” Max offered and walked out to the pool.

“The waves should be good just before sundown,” Liam was telling Jack. “Do you want to go surfing before dinner?”

“Yeah, that sounds like a plan.” Jack downed the water.

They turned to look at Max as he walked toward them.

“Want to come for a surf with us, Dad?” Liam asked him.

“I have to go get the food,” Max told them, disappointed he couldn’t join them. He loved surfing with his sons. “Mom wants to know what you want for dessert?”

“Where are we ordering from?” Jack looked at him.

Max told them, and they both answered that they wanted the same as their mother, only with ice cream.

“Dad!” Jack stopped Max from going back inside.

Max turned to look at his son, who beckoned for him to come closer.

“What happened with Mom?” Jack’s voice was low as he asked, his eyes flicking toward the door.

“She fainted,” Max told them honestly.

“Mom fainted?” Liam looked at him in disbelief. “I didn’t believe Aunt Hannah when she told us that.” His brow creased in a worried frown. “Momneverfaints.”

“Nor is she ever sick,” Jack pointed out, his eyes also filled with concern.

“She’s okay,” Max assured them with a warm smile. “It was the silly diet she’s been on.”