As Caroline sipped her coffee, she soon found herself engaged in a pleasant conversation with Brad. While they chatted, Caroline couldn’t help but observe him discreetly. Brad was a striking figure. She estimated his height to be roughly six foot three inches, just like her brother. His stylish, short, straight, jet-black hair was graced with subtle streaks of gray at the temples, framing a strong and handsome face that looked like a great artist chiseled it. Brad’s piercing blue eyes sparkled with a warmth that drew you in, and when he smiled, it was nothing short of heart-stopping.

Their discussion meandered from favorite books to travel destinations, and Caroline found herself genuinely enjoying Brad’s company. It was a rarity for her to strike up conversations with strangers, especially a strange man. Caroline learned that he was from New York, but his job in the entertainment industry took him all over the world. He had a sixteen-year-old son, Connor, who was his pride and joy. The two of them had been close since his wife left them when Connor was eight months old. Except for a few visits, Connor didn’t know his mother well, and he shied away from what he did know.

“I’m thankful that my son and I have such a close bond,” Brad told her. “I always worried when I was younger that my kids wouldn’t be as close to me as I was with my parents.”

“Are your parents still around?” Caroline asked.

“Yes, my mother and father are still both fit and don’t look a day older than fifty-five.” Brad laughed. “Or so my mother likes to tell everyone.”

“I was close to my parents, too,” Caroline admitted.

“By was, you mean—“ Brad’s brows crinkled as he looked at her questioningly.

“My mother passed away ten years ago from cancer.” Caroline swallowed the burning lump, thinking about her mother still brought to her throat. She cleared her throat. “My father passed away three years ago from a heart attack.”

“I’m sorry.” Brad’s eyes filled with compassion. “Do you have siblings?”

“Yes, I have an older brother. He also lives in New England,” Caroline told him. “Well, he’s actually my half-brother. His mother passed away during childbirth.”

“Oh, no, that’s horrible,” Brad said.

“My mother was a doctor at the hospital in Boston where my brother was born,” Caroline explained. “His mother had a complicated pregnancy and had been hospitalized for her last two months.”

“How did your parents end up getting together?” Brad’s brows tightened in a curious frown.

“A year later, my father took my brother to the hospital because he was having breathing problems and was sent to a specialist at Boston General, where my mother worked.” Caroline had no idea why she was blurting out her family history to a complete stranger, but Brad seemed genuinely interested. “They ran into each other again, and as my brother had to stay in hospital for tests for nearly two months, they saw each other daily.” She smiled, thinking about the story her father told her. “One thing led to another, and they fell in love. My mother fell in love with the small town where my father lived and started a small practice on the island.”

“You never wanted to become a doctor?” Brad frowned.

“Oh, no.” Caroline’s eyes widened. “I can’t stand the sight of blood.” She shuddered. “I was always more of a bookworm who loved to read. All I ever wanted to do was lose myself in stories.”

“That’s why you became a librarian.” Brad smiled and sat back in the chair. “I’m glad libraries still exist with the internet being around.”

“They do, but sadly, most of the books are being overlooked for the computers libraries have now.” Caroline sighed. “I’ve just realized my life may seem such a bore compared to your jet-setting one.”

“My life is tiring, and between you and me,” Brad leaned forward and lowered his voice, “I’m actually afraid of flying.”

“Oh, me too.” Caroline nodded, wide-eyed. “I’m nervous while in the air, but I think the worst parts are the—“

“Take-off and landing,” they said in unison and laughed.

“You know, I’ve always wanted to visit New England,” Brad admitted. “The historic towns and the coastal beauty all sound incredibly charming.”

“I can’t believe you’ve been nearly everywhere there is to go in the United States, the world, and you’ve never been to New England.” Caroline’s eyes lit up as she spoke about her hometown. “It’s a wonderful place. Although I spent most of my adult and married life in New York, my heart was still firmly planted in New England.”

“Well, it’s true,” Brad assured her. “I’ve skirted around the area.” He leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. “But hearing you talk about it and seeing how your eyes light up when you explain it, I’m definitely going to make an effort to get there.”

Their conversation continued to flow effortlessly, touching on a myriad of topics. As the minutes turned into hours, Caroline found herself captivated by the man and surprised by the connection they were forming. It was a rare and unexpected pleasure, and she couldn’t deny the sense of warmth that had enveloped her during their conversation.

The bustling coffee shop around them seemed to fade into the background as they shared stories and laughter. Time flew by, and Caroline couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment when she realized how late it had gotten. She glanced at her wristwatch and then back at Brad.

“I should probably be heading back soon,” Caroline said reluctantly. “The friend I’m staying with while I’m in New York will be waiting for me, and I have to check in with my daughter, who’s staying with her father while we’re in New York.”

Brad nodded, a hint of regret in his eyes. “Of course. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you.”

Caroline gathered her things and stood up, and Brad stood with her. Her heart was heavy with the knowledge that she would have to say goodbye. But as she prepared to leave, Brad surprised her by extending an invitation.

“I know this is sudden, but would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow night?” Brad asked, his eyes filled with sincerity. “I’d love to continue our conversation.”