“I didn’t faint the other day because of that silly diet,” Steph murmured.

Max’s face fell, and worry sparked in his eyes.

“Why did you faint, then?” Max’s voice was rough with emotion, and his eyes darkened.

“I’m eight weeks pregnant!” Steph felt relief wash over her as the words tumbled from her lips.

Max’s eyes widened as he stared at her for the next five minutes in stunned silence.



Steph’s feet were swollen, and her belly was huge. She was sure she was having twins again, but the doctor assured her only one baby was growing inside her. Steph knew her family, sons, and Max, even though he never let on, all thought she was overly hormonal. But Steph was convinced the doctor was wrong. She’d felt two babies kicking her, and she was sure she’d seen a hand pop up on either side of her belly simultaneously. So unless her baby had a very wide reach, that was two babies.

Because of her last pregnancy, Steph and Max had been paranoid about making sure nothing went wrong. Steph had even refused to have unnecessary ultrasounds, and they didn’t want to know if it was a girl or boy this time. Excitement zapped through her as she got ready for Max to take her to Naples for her thirty-two-week ultrasound. Not wanting to have the stress of the trip to Naples for her checkups, Steph had been going to the local clinic on Marco Island. While the staff had been great, they didn’t have the ultra-modern ultrasound machines the hospital in Naples had.

Today, Steph and Max would see their baby, or babies, as Steph was convinced it was twins again, in three-D. She heard the knock at the door and knew it was Nicky. She and Mike were going to be watching Liam and Jack. Max and Steph were going to make a romantic weekend out of the trip before their new baby joined their family. She smiled as she slipped on her shoes and made her way downstairs.

These past six months had been a whirlwind of moving into their beautifully renovated house, getting the twins ready for their new sibling, and Max and Steph rebuilding their relationship. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Max open the door and greet Nicky and Mike. They had been going to couples therapy twice a month, and it had helped them overcome the issues that had started to tear them apart. On top of the couples therapy, Max was going to therapy to address the trauma of the fire.

Life was good once again, and each day, it got better. Steph rubbed her belly, and soon, there would be a new addition to their family. She smiled as she felt the kicks.

“Hey.” Steph rubbed the spots. “Stop that. You’re going to make Mommy want to go to the toilet again, and you know we’re going to Naples today.”

While Steph still feared the birth, she was a lot calmer about it, knowing that the doctor who was going to deliver the baby was more prepared this time. Because of her last pregnancy, Steph would have a cesarean this time. And whatever happened, Steph was prepared for it and felt hopeful that everything would be okay.

“Hey, little sister,” Nicky’s voice snapped Steph from her musings. “You’re looking radiant.”

“Thank you,” Steph grinned, waddling down the stairs. Because that’s what she did these days: waddle like a lopsided duck. “But I know you’re really thinking—wow, you’re huge.”

“And really touchy!” Nicky rolled her eyes, hugging Steph when she joined them by the door.

“Are you ready to go, my love?” Max kissed her brow. “We have to leave if we’re going to make the doctor’s appointment.”

Steph and Max said goodbye to their sons, Nicky, and Mike, and were soon on their way to Naples. True to form, while Steph tried to make a concerted effort to stay awake during the trip, she was lights out shortly after they left Marco Island city limits. Steph was woken by Max gently kissing her brow to wake her.

“Hey, Sleeping Beauty.” Max smiled as her eyes fluttered open. “We’re here.”

Steph yawned and stretched as the world came into focus. Max climbed out of the car and rushed around to her side to help her out, or she would have to rock herself from the seat. Steph knew she must look like a tortoise stuck on its back and trying to rock itself onto its feet.

While they were sitting in the waiting room, pain shot through Steph’s abdomen. She winced and grabbed her stomach.

“Steph!” Max said in a panic. “What’s wrong?”

“Ow!” Steph said through clenched teeth as another pain stabbed her belly. “I don’t know.” She winced.

Max was out of the chair and flagging down a nurse at record speed.

“My wife had suddenly got a lot of pain in her stomach.” Steph could hear the panic in Max’s voice.

“I’ll check on her, Mr. Victor,” the nurse told him, following him to Steph. She knelt before Steph. “Mrs. Victor, can you tell me where the pain is and what kind of pain it is.”

“A sharp pain in my lower abdomen,” Steph explained.

“Can you walk?” the nurse asked Steph, who nodded.

The nurse and Max helped Steph to her feet as another pain struck, and she doubled over.