“Oh, no, Steph!” Nicky’s voice was gravely with emotion as her eyes misted over. “Honey, it’s over now. You’re safe.”

“Steph, I’m so sorry,” Max’s voice was soft as he pulled away from the woman and stepped aside to let Nicky take her inside.

He was about to follow them inside when Wallis called to them. The three of them turned to see Captain Andy, a few of his officers, and Wallis retrieving Kendal James from the swimming pool.

“I thought you said she was in jail or an asylum?” Nicky hissed at Max.

“So did we until Andy called to tell us that Kendal had escaped, and he was sure she was looking for Steph,” Max explained. “We called Tom, who told us you’d taken Steph home, and we came straight here.”

They watched a spitting, mad, wet Kendal, enraged and trying to push the police officers off her.

“Let me go!” Kendal screamed at them.

But the female officer managed to restrain and cuff Kendal.

“Wow!” Nicky’s eyes widened, and she shook her head before turning her attention back to Steph, who was wiping her eyes and regaining control over her hyper-sensitive emotions. “Are you okay?” Her eyes examined Steph. “Did she hurt you?”

“Only my hand!” Steph held up her swollen, throbbing hand. “I may have punched her when she was trying to detain me.”

“Steph!” Nicky and Max said in unison as they stared at soft and gentle Steph’s hand.

“She was trying to hurt my—“ Steph stopped herself and corrected, “Trying to hurt me.”

“We’re not judging!” Nicky held up her hands.

“Let me see that,” Max said, gently taking her hand to examine it. “You need X-rays, Steph.”

He looked at her, and their eyes locked.

“I’m sure it’s just bruised,” Steph stared into his warm eyes, and the tears started to well up once again.Darn, these over-sensitive hormones of mine.She gave herself a mental shake.

“Nicky!” Mike’s voice caught Nicky’s attention as he ran toward them. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Nicky assured him and turned to look proudly at Steph. “But my amazing sister here just fended off an attacker.”

“Let me take you to the emergency room.” Max ignored the people around them, never taking his eyes off Stephs.

Steph didn’t trust herself to speak and nodded.

“Excuse us,” Max put his arm through Steph, gently holding her injured one. “I’m taking Steph to Naples to get her hand checked out.”

“Okay!” Nicky nodded with a small smile. “I’ll sort things out here.”

“I’ll get Tom to fix the door and help clean up the mess,” Mike offered.

Steph and Max didn’t say a word as they walked to her car, which Max was still driving. It wasn’t until they’d left Bar Harbor and were heading toward Naples that either of them spoke.

“Steph, I promise you nothing is going on between myself and Kendal, and there never was.” Max glanced at her. “I know I’ve been difficult to live with since the fire.” Steph saw his knuckles whiten on the steering as his grip tightened on it. “I’ve been a moping selfish fool who didn’t want to admit to how deeply nearly dying in that fire affected me.”

“You’ve had a lot to deal with.” Steph’s voice was soft, and she looked down at her aching hand cradled in her lap.

“I should’ve let you in so we could’ve dealt with it together like we’ve always done,” Max admitted.

Steph looked at him. “Why didn’t you?”

Max looked at her, his eyes haunted. “Because I feared you’d think less of me.”

“Max!” Steph’s heart squeezed. “I could never think that of you.” A stray tear stagged down her cheek, and she swiped it away with her good hand. “I felt I had somehow let you down that you didn’t want to let me in.”