“Hi,” Nicky said, giving a small wave and looking toward Tom. “Hi, Tom.”

“Hey, Nicky,” Tom greeted her back.

“I see you and Tom have already met,” Steph commented.

“Yes, Tom’s one of Mike’s good friends,” Nicky explained, pulling up a chair and sitting.

“Of course.” Steph nodded, remembering Nicky’s mention that Mike, her fiance, knew Tom and his father. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to get you,” Nicky told her and glanced at Tom. “Tom called me to let me know you were here, and when he found you, you were upset.”

“Traitor!” Steph looked at Tom accusingly.

“Sorry, Steph, I was worried about you,” Tom flashed Nicky a disapproving look before smiling warmly at Steph. “But that’sallI told her.”

“Thank you.” Steph smiled gratefully at him, knowing what he meant.

“Why don’t you come back to the cottage with me for the night?” Nicky invited Steph. “We can have a girl’s night in, and you can spend some time with your baby niece.”

The mention of babies set Steph’s pulse racing once again, and anxiety joined the party of emotions already wreaking havoc on her nervous system.

“I’d prefer just to go home,” Steph told her, then looked at Tom. “Would you mind giving me a lift if you’re going back to the hotel?”

“I’ll give you a lift,” Nicky offered. “Thank you, Tom, for looking out for Steph, but I’ll get her home.”

“Of course,” Tom said with a nod and looked for clarification for Steph. “Are you okay with that, Steph?” He raised his eyebrows. “Because I don’t mind taking you home if you want me to.”

“No, it’s fine, I’ll go with Nicky,” Steph told him. “You’ve been so kind, and I’ve taken up so much of your time today already.”

“I’m always a phone call away if you need me,” Tom assured her.

Tom settled the bill, and the three of them left the restaurant. Tom walked them to Nicky’s car and ensured Steph was okay before leaving. Steph and Nicky left the mall parking, heading back to Scott House as a thought struck Steph.

“Tom is a really nice guy,” Steph turned toward Nicky.

“Yes, he is,” Nicky agreed.

“I think he and Lorry would make a good pair.” Steph grinned at the look Nicky shot her.

“Tom is one of the nicest men I’ve met in a long time,” Nicky stated. “But Steph, please don’t go trying out your matchmaking skill on Lorry again. The last time was a disaster.”

Thinking of their eldest sister and Steph’s last attempt to matchmake her made Steph smile. Nicky was right in saying it had been a disaster, but only because Lorry knew she was being set up and immediately did the Lorry thing where she went on the defensive.

“Granted, that attempt had failed miserably,” Steph agreed with Nicky. “But I’ve learned from that mistake, and this time, Lorry won’t realize she’s being set up until it’s too late.” She bit her lip thoughtfully. “Lorry and Tom are already working together. It wouldn’t take much.”

“That’s thoughtful of you to think of Lorry’s happiness and want someone as nice as Tom for her.” Nicky glanced at Steph. “But little sister, don’t you think you should fix your own love life before trying to fiddle with other people’s?”

Alarm shot through Steph when she realized that Nicky must know about her and Max’s strained relationship.

“Did Tom tell you?” Steph didn’t believe he would do that, but she had to ask.

“No, I haven’t spoken to Tom the whole day,” Nicky told her before she realized what she’d said.

“But I thought he called you about me,” Steph caught Nicky out in her lie.

“Okay!” Nicky breathed, turning into Tigertail Avenue, where Scott House, The Scott Hotel, Steph’s house, Nicky’s cottage, and the bookstore were located. “Tom wasn’t the one who told me you needed help.” She kept her attention on the road. “Tom did try to call me first, but when I didn’t answer, he called Captain Andy.”

“Tom called the police?” Steph looked at Nicky in disbelief.