“Of course I am.” Nicky looked at Wallis smugly before turning her attention back to Max. “You’re lucky I like you and have known you for so long, Max.” She pursed her lips. “I know you and know you never meant for any of this to happen. You’re a good guy, Max. But in the future, think twice about who you stop to help alongside the road.”

“I agree with you about everything you’ve just said,” Wallis told her. “But someone needs to get Steph and talk to her.” He glanced at Max. “It can’t be Max if we want to save their marriage.”

“You’re right,” Nicky conceded. “I’ll get Steph and talk to her.” She looked at Wallis. “You and Max should go to your house, Wallis. I will call you with an update as soon as I can.”

“I’ll join you guys,” Mike included himself in the plans. “We can get a pizza, as I’m starving, and have a beer while Max calms down and gets his head straight.”

“I can liaise with Captain Scott to find out what’s going to happen to Kendal,” Wallis told them.

As Max, Wallis, and Mike prepared to leave, Max took a moment to speak privately with Nicky. His voice trembled with emotion as he shared his deepest feelings.

“Please tell Steph I love her, and I’m so sorry,” Max pleaded. The intensity of his love and regret etched on his face.

Nicky met his gaze, her eyes softening with empathy. “I will,” she assured him. “But Max, you must know that while I love you like a brother, Stephismy sister, and I’ll always put her needs and happiness first.”

Max nodded in understanding, his heart aching as he turned to walk away, joining his friends and feeling the weight of the journey ahead. The future with the love of his life hung in the balance, and every step he took toward Wallis’s car seemed to feel like he was plunging deeper into the abyss of uncertainty.


Stephsatacrossthetable from Tom, where she’d just once again poured her heart out to the man. He must think she was a complete mess. Steph glanced around the restaurant, remembering she’d been there a few days ago with Hannah—the day she found out she was… Steph shook her head to clear away thoughts of her pregnancy. She had other issues to deal with at the moment. Issues that had left her broken and bleeding on the inside with a wound no modern medicine could heal.

“Steph.” Tom’s gentle voice drew her attention back to him. “Please don’t think I’m taking sides, as I’m here for you. But maybe what you saw wasn’t what you thought it was.”

At the back of her mind, Steph knew she was being irrational as a surge of anger at Tom’s words spread through her veins, and her eyes narrowed. “Are you saying I was seeing things?”

“No!” Tom tilted and turned his head slightly as he shook his head. “I’m saying that by the way, you explained the events leading to the kiss between Tom and …” He frowned. “What was her name?”

“Kendal!” Steph’s voice dripped with bitterness.

“Right, Kendal.” Tom nodded. “You did say she smirked smugly at you before leaning in and initiating the kiss.”

“I said: Kendal’s lips turned into a smirky, smug smile, then she leaned in and kissed Max,” Steph corrected him. “Trust me, Iknowwhat I saw. What Ididn’tsee was Max complaining or seeming to mind it!”

“Steph,” Tom reached over the table and took her hand. “I’m not trying to anger you, and trust me, from what you’ve told me, I think Max has issues, but you need to give him a chance to explain.”

“Explain!” Steph ripped her hand away from Tom’s as the words ripped out her throat, leaving a stinging burn behind them. “He accusedmeof having an affair with you without letting me explain what happened.”

“And did you explain what happened to Max?” Tom’s question hit a nerve.

“No!” Steph shook her head. “I didn’t get a chance to.”

“Did you try?” Tom persisted.

“I left to go to my sisters before we could speak,” Steph admitted.

“Don’t you think the two of you need to talk about what happened with us and with Max and Kendal?” Tom asked her gently.

“I’m not sure it will make a difference now.” Steph’s gaze moved past Tom and out the window to the busy streets below.

“You don’t know that,” Tom said encouragingly. “You need to keep your mind open to the possibility that maybe what you saw didn’t mean what you think it did.” He gave her a tight smile. “Just like what Max saw when you fell and I caught you.”

Tom’s reasoning started to seep through the anger, betrayal, and pain she was feeling. While her mind agreed with him, her heart and soul retreated behind the sorrow.

“Steph!” Nicky’s voice rang from behind her.

Steph turned to see her older sister rushing toward her.

“Nicky?” Steph frowned as Nicky stopped at their table.