“In other words, you were both avoiding the subject,” Hannah guessed. “Sweeping your problems under the rug and dancing on it, hoping you wouldn’t trip on them.”

“That’s one way of putting it, I guess.” Steph’s brows raised. “We were having a good time, and I don’t think either of us wanted to spoil it by bringing up our problems.”

“Wow!” Hannah looked surprised. “You and Max must be the world’s best performers because I had no idea you were having problems.” She looked at Steph questioningly. “Do the twins know?”

“Gosh, no!” Steph said emphatically. “While Max and I may not have spoken about or admitted to our problems, we have a silent understanding that they stayourproblems.”

“While it is commendable of both of you to keep your kids out of it,” Hannah pointed out, “you both need to tell someone, or you will implode.” She indicated with a hand at Steph. “Like you’re doing now.”

“I’m sorry, Han,” Steph apologized while Hannah stood and got the box of tissues off the dresser, offering the box to Steph before sitting back on the bed. “I didn’t mean to gush all over you.”

“Don’t be silly.” Hannah waved her off. “I’m here for you no matter what.”

“I’m glad,” Steph said, blowing her nose. “Because I think I need to speak to someone about all this.” She hiccupped. “Especially since I think Max is having an affair.”

“WHAT?” Hannah got such a shock she nearly choked on the air she breathed in.

“And on top of that,” Steph said, taking a deep breath and getting ready to drop the next bombshell on her younger sister. “I’m eight weeks pregnant, which is the real reason I collapsed yesterday.”

This time, Hannah did choke upon hearing the news. “Oh, Steph!”

“And the reason I needed space from my life back on Marco Island and Max is because I have no idea what I’m going to do about the pregnancy or Max!” Steph burst into tears once again. Hannah wrapped her arms around Steph and let her cry.


Maxwanderedaimlesslythroughthe empty pool house. His heart was heavy as his mind played the fight with Steph on repeat. He checked his phone once again, but she still hadn’t replied to his message, and all Max wanted to do was call her to work things out. But he understood—or at least he was trying to—understand that Steph needed space. Max knew he shouldn’t have suspected her of having an affair, but things had not been stable in their relationship for the past two years.

Max ran a hand warily over his face as he stood in the kitchen, staring at the closed refrigerator. Seeing Steph in another man’s arms felt like he’d been punched in the stomach and stabbed in the heart. It was a couple of hours after the fight when he realized how jealous and suspicious he was being. The feeling was a foreign one to Max as he never was a jealous person and always gave people the benefit of the doubt. He firmly believed that everyone needed to be given a chance to explain themselves—at least, he used to be.

Max pulled a bottle of water from the refrigerator and remembered that Wallis had invited him over to watch a game. While Max wasn’t really in the mood for company, he also didn’t want to mope around an empty house. He got his phone and called Wallis.

“Hey!” Wallis answered after the fifth ring.

“Hi, Steph and the kids have gone to Palm Beach for a few days, so if the invitation is still open…” Max didn’t get to finish his sentence.

“Of course it is,” Walls assured him. “You caught me just in time as I was deciding what to order for dinner.”

“Great!” Max said. “I’ll be over in fifteen minutes, and we can decide then.”

When they’d hung up, Max went to change out of his work clothes before heading out to Wallis’s. He almost changed his mind about going twice as he drove to his friend’s house, but as soon as Max arrived, he was glad he hadn’t. It was good for him to get out, and the two of them hadn’t hung out for a while. It was also the first time both of their wives and kids were away. They ordered burgers and settled in to watch the game.

After their team won, they went out onto the deck. The two friends kicked back in their chairs, sipping their cold beers. The night had fully descended, casting a serene, almost magical ambiance over Wallis’s lakefront property. The moon, a silvery orb in the vast canvas of the night sky, was now high above the horizon. Its shimmering light bathed the world below in a soft, ethereal glow. The lake curved beside them, glistening beneath the tender moonlight caress like a sea of liquid silver.

A warm breeze rustled the leaves of nearby palm trees, creating a soothing lullaby that harmonized with the rhythmic chirping of crickets. The world felt at peace, a quiet symphony of nature’s wonders playing out around them. Max and Wallis sat in companionable silence, their words replaced by the gentle night sounds and the play of moonlight on the water.

In that serene moment, Max’s troubles hit pause at the back of his mind as he enjoyed the tranquil beauty of the world around them. He was glad he’d decided to visit Wallis. Max had needed a couple of hours with nothing but the simplicity of lifelong friendship, shared laughter, and the absorbing excitement of watching a ballgame.

“This is a first for us,” Wallis broke the silence.

“We’ve watched ballgames together before,” Max teased while knowing what Wallis meant.

He glanced at his friend, and it wasn’t the first time that night he’d noticed a wariness etched with a tinge of sadness in Wallis’s eyes. Max frowned, wondering if everything was okay. On the surface, Wallis had seemed to be his usually cheerful self, but Max had felt an underlying current as if his cheerfulness was only surface-deep. At first, Max had thought he’d been projecting his own doubt, hurt, and sorrow onto his friend.

“Yeah, but this time’s different!” Wallis sipped his beer and stared out over the lake.

“Do you mean because our wives and kids are away?” Max decided to tread lightly and let Wallis steer the conversation.

“Yes,” Wallis acknowledged and turned toward Max. “Heather and I are taking some time apart to decide if we still want to be married.”