“The doctor drew some blood and asked me a whole lot of questions.” Hannah grinned and patted Steph’s arm. “Don’t worry. He’s sure it’s just the heat and maybe the shellfish you had for lunch.”

“I have food poisoning?” Steph frowned and allowed Hannah to help her into a sitting position.

“Could be.” Hannah nodded and pulled a face. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to go to that other restaurant, but I really wanted to try that new seafood place.”

“It’s not your fault, Han.” Steph drew in a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself. “Is there some water?” Her stomach started to roil as bile crept up her throat. “Oh, no, I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Here!” Hannah jumped up and grabbed a bedpan, holding it out for Steph.

But after a few seconds of leaning over the bedpan, the feeling faded.

“I think it must’ve been the shellfish salad.” Steph nodded, holding her protesting stomach. “Especially after I’ve been on a strict diet to set my system right.”

“Steph!” Hannah moaned at her, shaking her head. “What is up with you lately?” Her brow furrowed worriedly. “You’ve never been into fad diets or trying to get into shape.” She ran an eye over her sister. “I don’t think you can get into better shape than you already are.” She gestured with her hand. “You always do yoga, run, and swim. You’re gorgeous and don’t need these fad diets.”

“It’s not a diet,” Steph protested. “It’s a lifestyle change. I’m forty-three. I have to start changing the way I do things.”

“Okay,” Hannah held up her hands in surrender. “Just don’t push yourself into a skeleton.”

“It’s not that kind of diet,” Steph assured her and looked around the room. “I hate doctors’ offices.”

“I know,” Hannah told her. “But you collapsed, and I wasn’t taking any chances.”

“Thank you, Han.” Steph smiled warmly before glancing impatiently at the door. “Where is the doctor? I have to collect the twins soon.”

“Lorry is going to collect them,” Hannah told her.

“Oh, no.” Steph looked pained. “You told the family I’m at the doctor?”

“No, I told our oldest sister you were at the doctor,” Hannah said. “After Lorry called me to find out where you were and when you were getting back to the hotel.”

“Of course.” Steph shook her head. “Because It’s my turn to collect the kids from the horse ranch.”

“Not anymore, it’s not.” Hannah pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. “I told Lorry you may have food poisoning, so she’s gone to fetch them and said you must take the rest of the day off.”

“Awesome!” Steph sighed, knowing she would be bombarded with calls from the other four of her sisters, her mother, and her grandmother to find out how she was. “My afternoon isn’t going to be easy now, fending off calls from the family finding out how I am.”

“Aren’t you staying at Scott House pool house while your house is being renovated?” Hannah asked.

“Yes,” Steph confirmed.

“Well, then, as soon as you get back to Scott House, you can tell everyone all at once how you are,” Hannah pointed out. “And I’ll call Ashley and Jess to let them know after the doctor has told us what is up with you.”

“Thanks, sis,” Steph said as she sighed in relief, suddenly feeling terribly tired.

Hannah’s phone rang and she pulled it from her pocket.

“Oh, It’s Vince.” Hannah pointed at the phone. “I have to go outside the clinic to take this.” She looked at Steph questioningly. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Of course.” Steph waved her off.

As Hannah left the room to take a phone call, the air in the small examination chamber felt close and confined. The hum of fluorescent lights and the occasional clatter of a distant gurney filled the silence.

Steph sat back with her feet stretched in front of her. Her thoughts drifted through the haze. With Hannah out of the room, she had a moment to absorb her peculiar situation. What could have caused her to faint? Her health had been relatively stable, and she didn’t remember feeling ill before the incident.

The door swung open and a doctor entered. He wore a white coat that rustled softly with his movements. His features were kindly, and his eyes held a warmth that put Steph at ease.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Victor,” the doctor greeted her, checking her chart. “I’m Dr. Reynolds. Your sister mentioned that you fainted?”