Page 18 of Bread in The Oven


The Cimaruta MC has one prospect right now, Anthony Grimes. A few months ago, he was shot in a territory battle thatwas going on. We were lucky that he came out of his coma and is doing well. He’s on gate duty tonight, it’s basically light duty for him.

“Everything good?” I ask him as we stop at the gate.

“Yep. All good.” He smiles.

“This is Simone and Lucy, they’ll be staying on the property from now on. If anyone comes asking about them, you don’t know them. Let one of us know right away.”

“Got it. Forza gave me the rundown too. I got your back, brother.”

“Thank you,” I say as we drive in. I can see the gates closing behind us. It takes a minute to drive them to their cottage.

“This is yours. Mine is right over there, Franco is to the left and Mitchell to the right,” I tell them as we get out.

“Wow! Your houses are really big!” Lucy exclaims.

“One day you’ll have something bigger than the cottage,” I say to her.

I park in front of their cottage and get out. I grab their bags and follow them to the front door. Before we get there, it bursts open and all the women come tumbling out to greet Simone and Lucy. The smiles on the girls’ faces are worth everything. I wait outside as they’re shown around the cottage. There are several cottages on the Bastianini property. We use them when other chapter clubs come to visit.

After everyone goes back to their houses, I head inside to give them their bags.

“This place is perfect.” Lucy smiles as she runs around the cottage.

Simone comes over to me and wraps her arms around me.

“Thank you for all this,” she says softly.

“I didn’t do anything. I’m just here to help you.”

“You make me feel safe. I’ve never truly felt safe before.”

Hearing her say that makes my heart hurt for her. I know that she’ll never feel unsafe again.

“You’ll always be safe with me. I promise,” I say as I kiss her head. I feel her body relax in my arms. Holding her makes my body come alive and I’m pretty sure she can feel my cock pressing into her side. She looks up at me with her big blue eyes.

“It’s not a secret that I want you,” I whisper to her. “I wasn’t lying when I said I would wait for you. But you need to know how much I want you.”

Simone runs her hands on my chest and it makes me growl. Her eyes get bigger and she smiles at me.

“I want you too, Romano. I’m just afraid you won’t like me because I’ve never been with anyone.”

“That doesn’t matter. I told you, I will be your first and last. So your experience doesn’t matter to me.”

She nods and I squeeze her tighter.

“You and Lucy should get some rest. If you need me, you call me or come to my place.”

“Okay, thank you.”

I lean down and kiss her, I try to show her how much I want her in that kiss.

“Omg. Kissing again?” Lucy giggles.

“I’ll see you two in the morning.” I laugh.

Chapter Nine