Without thinking, he hurled himself off the mountain, and the shadows came with him.
It was a stupid, suicidal thing to do. He didn’t have wings. The shadows that carried him and Lancelot had no solidity to grab onto, even though their punches and kicks landed like anvils.
He was plummeting from the sky, away from his Mate.
His heart thundered in his chest. Not from the prospect of imminently crashing to his death, but from the thought of losing Lancelot again when he just found him.
He twisted and shoved at the shadows that still surrounded him. That, too, was counterproductive, for the shadows seemed to stall the speed of his fall. As he struggled free of them, he plummeted faster.
His heart beat harder.
And harder. And faster.
Until it felt as if it caught fire.
And that fire blasted through his entire body, to every extremity. Until he could feel it shoot from his eyes and mouth in a silent scream.
A scream that turned into a thunderous roar.
The roar of a black and red winged dragon who blasted through the remaining shadows that clung to him with dark blue dragonfire.
He heard Lancelot’s voice clearly in his mind. He met his Mate’s shocked gaze with his own.
But there was no time to dwell on his miraculous transformation. For the dark cloud that carried Lancelot morphed into the shape of another dragon. Even bigger than Arthur.
Behind him, he could feel the shadows that had swarmed him, as well as the shadows his friends were fighting, gather enmasse. Then split into two smaller dragons that took off from the mountaintop, hot on his tail.
Tristan, Aella and Dalair leapt off the edge too, just as White Dragon materialized beneath them.
Arthur turned back to the largest dragon carrying Lancelot. He would leave the Elite warriors to deal with the smaller ones at his back.
He stretched his neck as a fireball rolled through his chest and burst forth from his jaws in a spray of dark flames. The flames singed the shadow dragon’s tail, making it flounder in the air, shrieking with pain or fury.
As Arthur gained on the shadow dragon, he snapped out to bite its already wounded tail. Though the appendage broke off in a puff of smoke, Arthur had felt the solidity of the scales and bone before it did. He knew he’d succeeded in wounding the shadow.
The shadow flipped in the sky to confront him head on. They locked all four claws and snapped at each other’s necks and face.
Out of the corner of Arthur’s eye, he saw that Lancelot’s body shimmered again. This time, perhaps because they were fighting against a larger foe, the Celestial Realm couldn’t suppress his change.
In another blink, Lancelot became the silvery water dragon Arthur had seen before. He was smaller than the shadow dragon beneath him, but still large enough to do serious damage. Far more than he’d have been able to in human form.
Lancelot dug all four of his own claws into the shadow’s back, making it buck and scream. Then, he chomped down onto the back of the shadow’s neck, but the scales and spikes prevented him from executing a mortal blow.
His actions distracted and weakened the shadow, however. Which gave Arthur the opening he needed.
He feinted to the left as the dragon lunged its giant jaws at his throat. With its own neck outstretched to bite Arthur’s, Arthur twisted at the last moment and sank his teeth into the shadow’s jugular.
At the same time, Lancelot pulled with his claws and teeth dug into the shadow’s back, forcing the shadow to expose more of its vulnerable neck and belly.
Arthur bore down and chomped his teeth until he tore a hole into the shadow’s neck. And kept on chomping until he severed its spine, biting right through the entire neck, until the shadow’s head fell away from its body, turning back into smoke.
As his foe disintegrated, Lancelot turned back into human and landed directly onto Arthur’s back.
Your dragon heart!Lancelot communicated in his mind.
Stone turned to flesh turned to dragon. You are dragon, Arthur!