Page 4 of Sinful Duty

“Yes, Father.” I would never want to spy on my husband. My loyalty was first and foremost to my husband and then to Leo. Once I left this house, Father’s demands meant nothing to me. I wouldn’t, I couldn’t start my marriage off on a lie and mistrust. That wasn’t who I was at my core.

Chapter 4


The wedding had been simple but beautiful. Hazel had arranged for the perfect dress for me and when Konstantin saw me for the first time, the smile that filled his face made me so happy. It was the look every girl hoped to see on her groom's face. It was one I never thought I’d see. I expected to be married to some soldier as a reward for loyalty. I knew it would be a loveless marriage but one I prayed wouldn’t be violent.

I still hoped it wouldn’t turn violent once Konstantin realized how useless I was as the wife of a Pakhan. I didn’t think Leo or Hazel would give me to a cruel man but this was a political marriage not a marriage of love, even though I hoped that was what it would turn into.

Konstantin had insisted on kissing me at the end of the ceremony and my lips still tingled from the kiss he’d given me. It was everything I’d hoped a first kiss would be like. Since then my new husband hadn’t left my side. After one of his men had approached us and spoken to Konstantin in Russian I’d asked him, “Would you prefer me to learn Russian or should I allow you that privacy for business?”

His smile was gentle as he looked down at me. “Zaika, I leave that decision to you. I’m sure eventually you will learn some of my language from exposure to it, but I have no secrets. Ask me anything and I will tell you. If you prefer to not know then I am fine with that as well.”

I smiled and nodded at his response. While I was getting ready for the wedding, Hazel had assured me that she liked Konstantin. His brothers made her nervous but she suspected that was due to their intensity.

We danced and mingled until it was finally time for us to leave. We were spending our first night in Leo’s home which I will admit, made me nervous. Sensing my nervousness, Konstantin asked me, “You areaware of the tradition of first night, yes?” I nodded as I blushed hotly to his question. His finger caressed my cheek as he spoke softly to me. “I do not like this tradition but Leo said it was something your father insisted on as proof that you were accepted as my wife. I promise to make it as painless as possible.”

“There will be pain. Hazel explained it all to me. I won’t hate you for what you must do.”

Konstantin leaned close as he softly kissed me before replying, “You honor me, my sweet Gianna. This may be a political marriage but it is my wish that this be a marriage with joy and love.” I smiled at his words, praying that they were truths and not pretty lies. “When we return to my city where our home is at, there will be one bit of pain that I must insist upon. Every woman who is part of the Bratva receives a tattoo as a sign of their loyalty. It is also a matter of protection.”

“What will it look like?”

“The women receive a flower laurel around their wrists. Baranov is written amongst the flowers. My name as your husband is written below Baranov in Cyrillic.”

“That sounds beautiful. I would never have been allowed anything even remotely like a tattoo. Will it be terribly painful?”

“Ivan will numb the area first but it will be sore for a few days. I will never allow any to hurt you, Zaika.”

“I know,” I smiled. “This is to protect me as your wife so that enemies will think twice before attacking me.”

Konstantin pulled me into his arms as he placed a kiss on my forehead and led us up to our room. I squealed and a nervous giggle escaped as suddenly he scooped me up into his arms and carried me the rest of the way. Konstantin chuckled as he held me close. Closing the door behind us he sat me on the edge of the bed. “That musical sound of joy is one I hope to hear often, sweet Gianna.”

“Konstantin, there is something I must tell you before we do anything else. I don’t want there to be any secrets or lies in our marriage.” I watched as he bent down on his knee, giving me his full attention. Pulling out the phone from my clutch I handed it to him as I explained, “Father wants me to spy on you and your bratva. He hates that Leo is Don and he hates the idea of the alliance even more.”

“I suspected that he would do this. I thank you for telling me, sweet zaika. That means everything to me.” He kissed me softly before standing up and placing the phone on the nightstand along with his items. He returned to me and pulled me up. Turning me around he looked at the back of my dress. He sighed loudly as he saw all the buttons. “Why do they make wedding dresses so complicated to take off? Men are not patient creatures.”

I couldn’t stop the giggle that I escaped as I looked over my shoulder at him. “Anything you do to the buttons can be repaired later.”

His eyes shot up to mine as a wicked smile filled his handsome face. My skin tingled as my core dampened. That man was so handsome and when he smiled that way at me, he was breathtaking.

Suddenly he ripped apart the back of my dress, buttons flying in all directions. At the sight of my bare back, Konstantin leaned close and kissed down my back from my shoulders. “All I want to do is love you in every way possible. I never want to be the cause of your pain.”

I blinked at him, speechless. “You want to love me? But what if I’m a horrible wife?”

Konstantin turned me around to look at him, his giant hands holding my face as his thumbs caressed my cheeks. Leaning forward he kissed me ever so softly before whispering, “How could I not? You’re my little beauty, my zaika. I refuse to believe that you are ‘horrible’ at anything you want to do.”

I gasped as tears of joy filled my eyes. I captured his face in my hands. “My dangerous, sweet husband.”

“Only with you Gianna,” He moaned as he pulled me into his arms and his lips claimed mine in a passionate kiss. He tasted me as I released a soft sigh granting him entrance. He deepened the kiss as it turned possessive.

Breaking away from my lips, he leaned his forehead against mine and closed his eyes as he tried to maintain control. “I worry that I’m too big. Trust me to prepare your body to take me without too much pain.” As I nodded, his arms tightened around me, holding me close. “You’ll tell me if I hurt you.”

It wasn’t a request, it was an order in a dominant way that I found incredibly sexy. Gently raising my face so that I looked at him, he stated in a husky voice, which made me tingle all over, "I promise to love, honor, and be faithful to you and only to you." With his proclamation, he stood up with me in his arms, his lips planting kisses all over my face. I couldn’t hold back the giggles as I held onto him tightly.

In this world, mistresses and affairs were commonplace. I truly hoped his words remained true. I didn’t know if I could handle knowing that my husband was not my own. It would destroy my heart and soul.

He laid me gently on the bed and kissed me so passionately that I knew my panties were completely soaked. As I sighed into his kiss, my body relaxed into his, our bodies touching as much as possible. My new husband immediately took my cue and deepened the kiss, his hands caressing my bare skin.