Page 1 of Sinful Duty

Chapter 1


“Kostya, to be honest, I’m relieved you aren’t marrying Patrina. She’s a spoiled bitch that would only make you miserable. That being said, it also leaves me in a bind,” Leonardo Zima, Don of the Zima Family said as we spoke over coffee.

“The same for me. Here I thought being Pakhan meant being in charge,” I sighed before drinking my black coffee.

Leo nodded with a wry chuckle. “Tell that to my aunt and uncle.”

“So how do we fix this? This alliance is good for both of us.”

“Well, I have a suggestion but I’m not sure you’ll be happy with it.” I raised an eyebrow as I waited for him to explain. “Patrina has a younger sister, she was still underage when we first met but turned twenty-one just recently. Gianna is a sweet woman who is a gentle soul and despite being raised in this world has a kind heart.”

“If she is anything like Patrina…” I didn’t complete that thought but I didn’t need to either. Leo knew what was at stake, no matter how much we respected each other.

“She’s not. But I must warn you. Hazel has made it clear that if any harm comes to Gianna she will hunt you down herself.”

I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped as I thought about Leo’s very pregnant wife. She was a joy and Leo was a lucky man. “I’m serious, Kostya. Never make a pregnant Irish lass mad. Truly terrifying!”

Laughing, I couldn’t help but ask, “And just what did you do to discover this?”

“I decline to answer as a matter of self-incrimination.”

“Well, you are Italian so…”

“Har Har, asshole. Shall I arrange a meeting?”

“Da, yes. If she comes with a threat from Hazel, she has to be better than her sister.”

“I’ll make it happen.” I watched as he typed a message into his phone. “Will her father have an issue?”

“He’d prefer you to choose Patrina but he won’t be a problem.” He sent another message and then asked, “Dinner tonight or tomorrow at my house?”

I looked at him in surprise. Technically we weren’t officially allies yet so the invite to his house for dinner took me by surprise. “Tonight is preferable. I’d like to get this handled.”

“Tonight it is. I won’t take Hazel out unnecessarily right now and I trust you not to betray me in my house. Trust is necessary to make this alliance work.” The serious look on his face assured me he was being honest and I wouldn’t be attacked.

“Agreed. If all goes well, soon we’ll not only be allies but family as well and family is everything.”



I stood patiently waiting for my father, Aldo Zima, to acknowledge me. He often called us into his office and made us wait for him. It was all about power to my father. My cousin Leonardo Zima was the Don of the Zima family but my father as his uncle tried to act as if he were the head of the family. I knew at some point Leo would have to deal with him.

I watched as he stood up and walked around his desk to stand in front of me, appraising me as if I were something he owned. “Tonight we are going to Leo’s home where you will meet your fiance. You will fulfill your duty to this family and ensure that a strong alliance with the Russians is in place. You will report to me anything of interest that I can use, am I clear?”

“Yes, father. If I may ask, how do I ensure a strong alliance and spy on them at the same time?” I only asked an innocent question but that didn’t stop him from immediately slapping me as punishment for questioning him.

“You will do as I say and do not disrespect me again. If Konstantin Baranov rejects you as he did your sister, you will regret it, am I clear?” His threatening voice caused me to tremble in fear. I was always afraid of earning my parents’ wrath. How I will ever be a proper wife I do not know. Patrina was always the perfect one, unable to do any wrong, that was until she was rejected by Konstantin. Now she will be married off to someone much less powerful.

I was unsure how I would be able to measure up. I was everything Patrina was not. I was a shy, plain girl who would rather read or draw quietly in a corner. Nothing that a powerful Pakhan would want. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to matter. I would do what my family demanded. That was my only choice. “Yes, father,” I answered him softly. My hand wanted to hold my throbbing cheek but I knew that would only anger my father more.

“Go and make yourself presentable. Be ready at five o’clock. Not a minute after.”

“Yes, father,” I mumbled as I quickly left his office. I ran to my room and immediately headed towards the shower. I was determined to not embarrass my family and earn their anger.

Chapter 2