I quickly scanned the hallway, hoping no one saw what I was up to. Grasping Mr. Thomas’s ankles, I hauled him into my apartment. He turned out to be way heavier than I’d thought, and each pull felt like a mini workout.
Getting him through the door frame was a struggle. By the end of it, I was practically wiped out, huffing like there wasn’t any air left in my lungs.
Once he was finally inside, I slammed my door shut and just stood there staring at his hollow eyes that blamed me.
“What have I done?” I cried, tears streaming down my face as my hands shook. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. What do I do?”
I grabbed my phone, the numbers blurring a bit as I dialed. The phone rang for what felt like forever, the quiet regret hanging in the air, making the room feel heavy once more. I kept staring at Mr. Thomas, unable to look away as the phone’s sound cut through the eerie stillness. Each ring felt like a countdown.
“Are you okay?” Was the first thing Tina said as she answered finally.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be okay? I can’t just call my best friend?” My voice cracked, a hesitant tremor slipping through.
“Well, you haven’t been answering my calls or texts. Andyou already hid your stupid spare, so I couldn’t come inside.” She argued, but I was too shaken to fight her.
“I fucked up.” I couldn’t hold back the tears, my hands continuing to tremble uncontrollably. “I fucked up bad, and I don’t know what to do.”
She made a long exhale. “Is it a body?”
My eyes widened in surprise. “Why would you assume that?”
“Because it’s your first. The first is always the messiest.” The sharpness in her voice stung me oddly enough. Maybe it was because she was so unfazed by this. By the idea that I had just murdered someone.
My gaze remained locked, unable to tear away from his unsettling grin. “But why does he have that look on his face?”
“It’s normal. Are you okay?” She tried to reassure me through the phone.
“No, I’m not okay! I just murdered someone! I didn’t even know what I was doing. One second, my lips were on his, and then he dropped, and I-”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Tina interrupted me abruptly, her heavy breaths audible through the phone. “You didn’t fuck him?”
“What? Of course I didn’t!” I was almost appalled.
“He shouldn’t be dead then. You shouldn’t be able to kill someone from a kiss unless-” Tina’s voice simply stopped, leaving a sudden void of sound on the other end of the line.
“You mentioned being mated to Dustin the other day. And that was why you couldn’t get him out of your head, right?” She asked, but it felt less like a genuine inquiry and more like an echoing repetition of what I had shared with her. “Well, what if Dustin truly has lost himself to the Incubus Curse?What if it’s affecting you now since you’re tied with him?”
“No word on Dustin’s whereabouts from Oliver?” I couldn’t resist asking. The concern for him had been gnawing at me for the past two days.
“The last time he saw Dustin was when we all did. Though, I’ve heard rumors of him seen with that guy Daemon. I don’t know how true they are.”
What in the world was Dustin getting himself into? The question lingered, accompanied by a heap of worry as the thought of him turning Incubus set in my mind. “Do you really think he’s turned Incubus?”
“Frey-Frey, I know you don’t want to hear this, but you weren’t there that day. The day before we saved you, he was so lost. Like you were the only thing holding him together. I watched him force the ancient to tear his own arm off. Hell, I watched him rip a man’s head off himself. Watched him smile as he did it. There was nothing but rage and unyielding satisfaction behind it.”
It was hard not to visualize what she was saying, the image of a man’s head dangling from Dustin’s fingertips as he smiled almost as cruelly as the grin-stained look on Mr. Thomas.
“It’s my fault, you know,” I confessed, tears streaming down my face. “I slept with him the night before Edward took me. I don’t remember much of it, but he was fine before that. And I knew how dangerous I was to him. I should have taken it more seriously. I shouldn’t have danced around it like it was some joke or game.”
I could hear her rolling her eyes through the phone. “That guy was going to lose himself with or without you. Don’t you dare blame yourself?”
“But how-“I started to say until the doorbell rang. Eventhough no one could see me, I ducked as if that would help hide me.
“What was that?” Tina asked through the speakerphone.
“Shh. Someone is at the door.” I whispered as I crouched closer to the floor. “What if someone saw what I did.”