Page 72 of The Incubus Curse

I took a further step back, my hand shaking as it flickered in front of me. “Let me guess, all I have to do is sleep with you? Give you a taste of what it’s like to fuck an angel? Or maybe you want me to beg for you? Like Azrael? All you succubus are the same.” I felt like I might as well have been foaming at the mouth, rage and fear spewing out of me as my words stung outward toward him.

He only smiled, angering me further.

“I mean, if you want tofuck, I’m more than happy to oblige, angel. But no, I wasn’t requiring anything of you. Just an ask. Though now, I must admit the thought of having you does sound deliciously tempting.” His eyes slit as if drinking in my reaction.

I wanted to slap him, truthfully.

I wanted to feel the sting of it as my palm touched his striking cheek and jawline, but I was distracted at that moment by the sheer wave of shutters entering the room.

It was loud, like whispers had erupted into the crowd, jeering at a figure who had stumbled into the club.

I tried to look at who might be causing the ruckus, praying it was who I thought it might be. But my heart sank when I realized it was only the deathwalker.

He had strolled in, sucking the flesh off one of the humans that had been placed around the room as appetizers for the guests.

The girl in his hold dropped to the ground, mummified like the security guard had been. Only this girl was far scarier, hereyes peeled back. Her lips thinned into a string as her skin flaked into the air like loose sand in a wind gust.

“Oh, don’t stop celebrating on my account.” The ancient teased, bowing as if proud of his interruption.

Azrael didn’t seem pleased by this show. He yanked at the collar of his brother’s shirt and whispered angry words to him. His brows furrowed, and his teeth jeered with each word, and although it was impossible to hear what was said, it was clear that Azrael was enraged by this. I could feel as much.

Azrael finished lecturing his brother, the whole room watching as if waiting to find out what was happening next.

Though I’m sure, most of the commotion was because the succubus feared the deathwalker. He was - after all - an ancient being stronger than most in the room.

I couldn’t help but wonder how Dustin had survived a match with him. But, if Dustin could do that, why was a room full of other succubus terrified?

I felt like I knew better than to stack the never-ending questions in my mind, so I let the thought go despite the curiosity of it eating at me.

Azrael adjusted himself, sifting through the many orbs that stared at him until they landed on me. His eyes looked at Daemon beside me with a hint of rage, but then, with a swift flick of his finger, he was beckoning me to his side.

I hesitated momentarily, and I watched as his eyes darkened in their pale shade, warning me not to do anything defiant in front of everyone. It was the kind of warning that made my instincts want to run. But against everything in me, I obliged- sauntering to his side like a dog being scolded by its owner.

My head was tucked. My hands tightly wound against my sides to keep the slits from revealing myself as I walked.

It felt like everyone’s eyes were on me, drilling into me as I felt their pull. It almost seemed harder to push them out as they piled on top of me, begging me to just give them one look. As if they all wanted just a taste of what it was like to have an angel. And the Silver tongue that I had consumed wasn’t helping. It felt like I was able to feel their pulls more drastically. Like I was almost falling under the seduction with each one that I passed.

“I think it’s time that I show you all what I’m capable of,” Azrael said cheerfully out toward the crowd, lifting up my hand from my side as if waiving me like some trophy he had won. “Drake!” He yelled toward the back entrance as the same overly muscular vampire began sprinting toward us with his hazed expression.

“I am the only one that can lead us. I am the only one that is strong enough.” He yelled, his arms forcing up into the air as if cheering on the crowd. “And I am the only one of us that is capable of making more of our kind.”

Azrael lifted my wrist up, even with me struggling against his hold. The entire clan of succubi stared wide-eyed at me, curious about what he was going to do. It felt like a spectacle, and maybe if I hadn’t already known that my life was tied to his, I would have been more scared. Would have feared for my life. But he couldn’t kill me. He said as much.

“Drake, drain her to her last heartbeat, but don’t kill her.” Was all he said, forcing my wrist up to the vampire who had no other choice but to oblige as the charms that fogged his mind snaked their way through his thoughts.

The vampire grabbed onto me as everyone watched. As everyone stood idly by and let this man sink his teeth into my wrist without even a warning. The room fell silent and all thatI could hear was my own ear curling screams echoing back at me.

It was a lot rougher than Edward’s bite had been. His teeth tore into my skin, thrashing against it as he groaned, delighted by the taste. It felt like I was being ripped open, blood smearing across my skin as it dripped violently down my arm.

I tried to pull back, but the harder I tried, the more painful it became. Almost like I was tearing skin off with each thrust back. It felt useless as he stood there draining me. My arm felt like fire was shooting up my veins. My heart felt the venom from his fangs ripple through me.

As my heart began to slow, I almost felt my life flash before my eyes. Visions of Tina spiraled uncontrollably, swirling with thoughts of Dustin. Of his eyes, those dangerous frosty pools that stained my mind. The images danced in my thoughts, and I delusionally prayed for him to come running in. Prayed for him to save me like he had so many times before. My eyes desperately looked for him in the crowd, but all I saw were blonde-haired Greek gods and their glowing orbs merely glaring at me, smiling back at my pain.

The only set of eyes that didn’t look pleased was that of Daemon. He had a sick look washed over his face like he couldn’t bear to see me like this. Like it actually pained him, and I felt comfort in that. And as my eyes desperately looked at him for help, he turned away from me. All I could see was the shape of his back as he walked toward the front door.

I felt my body giving way, wishing to crumble to the ground. My legs went limp as I collapsed, only to feel the cold hands of Azrael grip my waist. He picked me up, probably fearing I would tear my arm off from the force of falling against the fangs. Or maybe behind those evil eyes, there was some formof decency.

There were a few minutes or perhaps seconds where I felt cold, much like in that office days ago when I collapsed. As my heart felt like it had stopped, I felt the fangs loosen around my wrist, but by this point, I didn’t have the energy to move. All I could do was lay there in Azrael’s arms as my weak body caved into him.