Page 69 of The Incubus Curse

“Follow me.” He said and didn’t move into the hallway until I was behind him.

I wasn’t wearing shoes when I stumbled into the hallway, but the carpet was soft, and I tiptoed around it as I followed the man. He walked stiffly to a room next to my own and twirled the knob until it opened, revealing Azrael.

He was buttoning up his sleeves when I walked in. A girlnakedly sprawled onto his bed as her blonde hair billowed over the pillows blocking her face. Not that I cared what she looked like. I knew this hall to be riddled with girls and guys like that, all desperate for the touch of a succubus like they had been with the Ellisario’s when we walked through here before.

“You got dressed sooner than expected.” His eyes examined me, looking at my bare feet with confusion.

“Looks like you didn’t last long anyway.” I bit my tongue back, hating that I said it. Hating that I let my anger overpower the ability to think more clearly. Or maybe it was his anger? It was hard to tell.

A look of rage flashed in his eyes, but he said nothing. He walked over, strolling around me like a vulture circles its prey.

His fingers poked at the straps on my shoulders and slid up my waist. But it wasn’t until he plucked at my underwear like a guitar string that I curled backward from him.

“Don’t touch me.” I snapped.

“As I said before, there really is no use in you fighting this. If I want you, I’ll have you. Just be lucky that I’m willing to wait until you come begging for me. Most don’t get that opportunity.” The fucker was actually grinning like he thought I would fold eventually.

“If you loved my mother, then why do you even want me? What are you trying to accomplish with me being here?” The thought that he had loved my mother and now suddenly wanted me to love him was making my insides want to hurl. Like he didn’t want me, not really. Only the idea of me since I looked so much likeher. Like the woman who chose a human over him. Like I was his retribution or something.

His eyes squinted at me as if debating internally with himselfbefore speaking. “You, my sweet child, are my redemption. And strangely, I now know that you were meant for me all along.” He tried to step closer to me, but I stumbled back.

“Redemption from what?” My heart fastened, barreling in my chest, demanding that I run. Demanding that I leave because everything in me felt unsafe with him.

“You know, your mother had that same look on her face before I killed her.” His words cut like a knife in my lungs as I struggled to breathe at the new information laid out before me.

“You… killed her?” I barely choked out. “But I… I… I thought you loved her?”

He smiled cruelly, reveling in the idea of further breaking my heart. “She did it to herself, really. I mean, she chose that pathetic human over me. We had spent centuries together, and she chosehim. All because she was mated to him. That stupid. Pesky. Angelic. Mating bond.” He stepped closer and closer with each word he said. So close that he was now hovering over me, his shadow casting me in darkness.

“Mating bond?” I swallowed deeply.

“Ah, so I guess no one’s told you that yet. Or maybe the ones giving you information purposefully left that little detail out.” He licked his lips.

“What detail?” I was almost scared to snap at him. If he killed the woman that he loved for centuries over a temper tantrum from not being picked, what did that mean for me? He probably wouldn’t hesitate to kill me, even if I blinked the wrong way.

“Angels are born mated. It’s God’s beautiful malediction on our kind. Some are twin flames, mated to each other. And some are not so lucky, born mated to asoul that is tied to another.” He explained, smiling like he knew something that I didn’t.

“So what are you saying?” I blinked, trying to keep myself from shaking at his proximity.

“Sweet child, I’m saying all angels are born with a soulmate. And how ironic and fortunate for you that you were born to bemine.”

Chapter 23


I felt like I might collapse, my heartbeat pounding in my head as it echoed back at me loudly.

Was he my mate? Or was I his? How did this mating bond work exactly?

The questions circled my mind endlessly, praying the answer wasn’t what I thought it was.

“I can see you’re… struggling over there.” He laughed, his brow hitching up in curiosity of me.

I took a sharp inhale. “I’m your mate?”

“Yes, but I’m curious who yours might be.” His lips pursed into a thin line. “If I was yours, I’d be able to feel you. Feel your thoughts, your emotions. Just as I’m sure you’ve been able to feel mine. However, the only feelings of yours that I can sense are the ones I infer from your body language, so it’s clear to me that while you are my mate, I am not yours. It seems God has decided to mock me.”

So, was that how I was feeling his emotions? The thought consumed me.