“I will not be ruled over by a bigot who thinks he’s better than all of us!” Another added as the crowd began to fight amongst themselves.
Azrael stepped up to them, arms waving to grab theirattention. “I see we have a bit of a split crowd here. I assure you, I want what is best for our kind. I want us to thrive in the world that pushes us into the shadows. Thrive in the world that keeps us hidden. The world that we should rightfully rule over. Humans are nothing but a disease to this earth.”
A few cheers chirped among the group, followed by some disgruntled groans of disapproval. “None of you use your abilities to its fullest. We have the potential to become the strongest kind of demon to ever walk this earth. Vampires will learn to fear us more than the sun. Deathwalkers will envy us, and the humans will feed us willingly.” His eyes shifted to me at the last word, making my skin crawl.
“I do have a gift for you all. A gift of good faith since I’m sure most of you came in hopes of killing me for good this time.” Azrael took my hand and spun me in front of everyone, catching me off guard. My dress flung around me, lifting practically revealing me as I tried to hold it down. “This is your gift. An angel. A rarity. And a blank slate, able to be morphed into any demonic being. I can and will turn her into a succubus later tonight, and you all will see that you need me in order to repopulate our kind. We’ll hunt the rest of the descendants of angels across this earth and build more of our dying breed.”
There was a silence, not just from me as I stood there petrified with my eyes wide in disbelief, but from the succubus crowd as they stared at us. And now that I knew why I was really here, it made my skin itch under the surface. It made me shake at the thought that he intended to turn me into a succubus. A demonic thing that was the opposite of who I was at my core.
How would it change me? What would I become?
The thoughts crippled me as I tried to grasp onto the idea that tomorrow I would no longer be the same Freya Wilk. Though, internally, I had to laugh at myself. I was never going to be the same person that I was a week ago, regardless. So much had changed. Too much even. I wasn’t even sure thatIknew who I was anymore.
Azrael grabbed my arms, pulling me into a whisper. “Run along while I discuss things.” He said as he let me wiggle out of his hold.
Honestly, I was too shocked to shoot dagger-laced words back at him. My mind still wasn’t able to fathom the thought of becoming a succubus. My heart felt like a sledgehammer pounding into me. It echoed loudly in my ears, drumming out the voices that seemed to come together loudly all at once. Distorted laughter and growls blended as one in my mind.
I found my feet dragging to the bar, begging for a taste of silver tongue. It felt needed like I might not survive this anxiety that bubbled up inside me without it.
The bar welcomed me with open arms as I tossed back several shots of silver tongue without any interruptions, though I did hear the constant murmuring surrounding me. Glowing pale orbs circled me ferociously, but all were scared to actually approach me, it seemed.
It wasn’t until I heard footsteps nearing me that I realized someone was close enough that they probably were curious about me.
How could they not be?
“So you’re destined to be one of us, it seems.” A voice said from behind me. It was low, husky-like, and the words rolled off his tongue seductively as if he knew the power he held with his words.
I didn’t respond or look at him, not directly anyway. I could feel his pull, feel it tickling the back of my mind, trying to pull me to him, and strange images washed over my mind. Images that I myself was not envisioning. And as tantalizing as it seemed, I knew better than to cave into them. It was all a facade, a trick. These damn succubus were relentless.
“It’s not going to work,” I growled, still looking at the drink in my hand, twirling it, trying not to think of the images that were flooding my mind at that moment. Images of hands I had not yet seen cascading down my dress. Images of green eyes that wildly undressed me, not that it would take much to do so in this silvered piece of cloth that hung on me like a piece of tissue paper.
“But youcanfeel it?” His voice was almost surprised. “How interesting.”
“Yeah, yeah. Not like it’ll matter anyways.” I tilted the remainder of my drink to my mouth and let the silver tongue slide down my throat, warming me.
The man decided to step in front of me, his black shoes coming into view. They seemed leathery and stainless- like he had never worn them before tonight. “You aren’t at all worried about the transition? Can’t say I’ve ever seen a turn like this, at least one that has worked. Though, I have seen people try.” There was a slight chuckle in his voice.
“Thanks for the uplifting speech,” I growled, kicking at his shoe to get him to move. I was also delighted by the idea of getting at least one scuff on those shoes of his, though my bare feet hardly did the damage that I had wished.
“Delightful as always, little angel.” Something in his voice felt familiar, and as I looked up at him through my lashes for just a peek, I realized who the stranger was.
The glowing, emerald eyes of Daemon hovered over me. His smile was wide, as if he was anticipating my reaction. His eyes slit with long fluttery lashes that any girl would die for.
“Daem-“I almost said his name until his fingers pressed against my lips.
“I’m Daemon, nice to meet you.” His brow furrowed as if warning me to play along.
I grumbled under my breath, not sure that I wanted to play this game. “Nice to meet you.” My smile was forced, but I did have to admit that it felt nice to have a friend in this place. If I could even call him that. He was more of an acquaintance of an acquaintance at this point.
His hand was no sooner around my waist, pulling me into him. I tried to pull away from his body as his hand dragged up along my back, sending a chill up my spine. But it wasn’t until his hand brushed my hair away from my ear that I realized why he was pulling me in. His lips parted as he whispered. “Dustin is here, but I should warn you. He’s changed since last you saw him. Darker almost. Like he’s starting to lose sight of himself.”
I tried to contain myself, knowing we were likely being watched. “He’s not okay?” It came out stuttered.
“Oliver thinks he’s turning Incubus. I wasn’t so sure, but after what I’ve seen him do today, I’m starting to be convinced. He’s gone quite mad without you.” I could hear Daemon sniffing my skin oddly enough. “Can’t say that I blame him. You must taste addictingly delightful.”
I tried to pull away, but his other hand groped my waist, practically pulling me into him. My fingers tore into his wrists, hoping the pain would get him to loosen his hold, but it didn’t. He didn’t even seem fazed by it and continued to whisper tome.
“I can get you out of here if you want. All you have to do is ask.” He said, finally pulling away from me and letting go of his hold.