Page 98 of His Rejected Mate

“Eli, can you give me and Kira a few minutes? We need to talk about this.”

The fallen angel nodded and departed.

“What do you want to do?” I asked my mate. I could sense the dread in her mind.

“I think we do it,” she said.

“Seriously? That easy?”

“Yeah. The whole reason we came here was to find Simon and the showrunners. Now Simon apparentlyisa showrunner. There’s a chance they’ll be wherever Von is. It’ll be like killing two birds with one stone.”

“That’s part of why I don’t like it. This all seems too easy. It smells like a set-up. A trap to get us where they want us.”

Even in the depths of her worry, Kira grinned at me. “We’re pretty good at getting out of trouble. If we stick together, it should be no problem.”

“You’ve got a lot more faith in us than I have,” I said.

“It’s our best bet,” Kira said, the smile fading from her eyes. “If we don’t go, then we’ll end up wandering around this city with no real clue where to find anyone we’re looking for. This is our best chance to get close to Simon, and possibly even Heline.”

“All right,” I said grudgingly. “I’ll go along with it, but I’m warning you, if something happens that puts you in danger again, I’ll never let you hear the end of it. This connection we have now? It’s increased how much I worry about you, and I can’t control that. Unless you want me chewing you out for getting into trouble for the billionth time, we need to keep our heads on a swivel.”

“Deal,” Kira said. “Let’s hurry, time’s wasting.”

Once we were dressed and presentable, we headed downstairs and found our friends in the foyer. August was tapping away frantically on his phone, while Eli, Crew, and Chelsey stood off to the side. My father was nowhere in sight. Not surprising. He’d probably already forgotten I was here. That, or he was off somewhere trying to figure out some new angle to get me to return to this pack.

“There’s supposed to be a car coming to pick us up,” Eli said. “It should be here soon.”

“Great,” I muttered.

August let out a little whistle and turned to Crew. “Hey, bud? Remember when I said I’d look into your family?”

Crew’s eye swiveled to meet August’s face. “Did you find something?”

“I did some digging with a few of my contacts.” He held up his phone and grinned victoriously. “Checked my email, and between what my people and I have dug up? It’s a lot of dirt.”

Crew looked ready to burst. “Is it enough to take them down? What are we talking?”

“I’ll tell you, man,” August looked at the screen again. “Some of this stuff is intense. If we release this, there’s no way they would be able to keep their position in their pack. Doesn’t matter how much money and power they have—best-case scenario, they go to jail for a decade.” He grinned. “What’s your call? This is your deal. You say the word, and my guys will start leaking this stuff.”

Crew didn’t hesitate. He was nodding before August had finished speaking. “As soon as possible. With the packs beginning to splinter, this information could help everyone remember we have one common enemy: corrupt leaders and a system that isn’t working. All this fighting is pointless. Maybe if everyone sees this, they’ll snap out of it. Stop fighting each other, and slow the war.”

“He’s right,” Chelsey added. “That’s the main thing. All the corruption and the messed-up mating connections. If those two things can be exposed and fixed, it’ll help the world. It’s obvious that the upper-pack leadershiphadto have known something was wrong with the blood tests. The more of these people we expose, then the more people will understand what the problem really is.”

“This is good,” I said. “Between this and whatever we can say during this interview, we might get some real change going. If we’rereallylucky, we can get Heline to show herself, too.” For the first time since getting in that limo, I felt a flicker of hope.

Out the glass windows by the front door, I spotted a luxury SUV pull up in the driveway. Before I could mention it, the passenger door opened, and I almost shit myself. Von Thornton stepped out with a parasol shading his face from the sun.

“What’s he doing here?” I muttered, and the others turned to see what I was looking at.

Kira groaned. “He came to collect us himself?”

“Come on,” I said, opening the door.

“My lovelies!” Von called out as we stepped out onto the front steps. “It has been far too long.”

Kira turned her head to me and hissed, “If he hugs me, I’m killing him. Just letting you know.”

Von, having heard the words, laughed and pointed at her. “Ah, Kira, a spitfire as always. Such a charmer and…” Von faltered, caught off-guard by the sight of Crew standing beside Chelsey.