“That weather won’t help clear the road, will it?”

I take the coffee pot over to her, filling it with water. “And I didn’t even have to do a rain dance.”

She frowns at me.

“Too soon?” I ask.

“You mean to joke about the fact that you wanted to trap me here against my will? Yeah, too soon.”

I wait for the coffee to be done and pour her a cup. “What do you want to do today?”

She flashes me a look.

“Oh,” I say. “Naughty.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“But you gave me the look.” I waggle my eyebrows.

“What look?”

“The romantic-cottage-in-the-woods, storm-raging-outside, let’s-spend the-entire-day-in-bed-having-fun look.”

“I most definitely did not give you that look.” Her words might be a denial, but I can see her fighting a smile.

“That’s not what your eyes are saying.”

“Then take another read because you’re wrong.”


“Don’t mmm me.”

“Anything else you want me to do to you?”

Her eyes widen. “You’re the worst. Make another comment along those lines and I’ll spend today locked in my room.”

I take a sip of coffee. “I like it when you turn into Miss Bossypants.”

“Final warning, Mercer.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll be a good boy. Pinky swear?” I offer her my little finger.

We look at each other and burst into laughter.

Her cheeks are still flushed, and I’m glad that at least I’m not the only one affected by the innuendo. Still, I change the subject.

“If you’re still hungry, I can make you more pancakes, or some eggs if you want something different.”

“No, I’ve had enough.” She gets up from her stool and brings her plate to the sink.

I watch her move around my house, transfixed by the way her hips sway in my sweatshirt. “If I have to keep my good manners, you’d better go change.”

“I don’t suppose you have any feminine clothes lying around?”

“No, sorry.”

“Not even when you had an entrapment on the schedule?”