I never take my eyes off him as the Jeep jerks to a stop and then propels forward.

I whip my head around and watch him for as long as I can. He never takes his eyes off me as we race down the street and then turn away.

What was that?

This place does feel like a movie. That was like the start of an epic romance film where the two leads meet and their worlds are rocked forever.

I’m still shaken by it when we arrive at the tiny airstrip and climb out of the Jeep. I can’t get him out of my mind as I slip into the jumpsuit and Nerf straps the parachute to my body.

It’s like I forget to be nervous. I forget to be everything with that beautiful man dominating my mind.

I stare out the window in silence, looking down at the spectacular mountains as the plane rises into the sky.

I’ve never had a moment like that before—so intense, so unexpected, so out of the blue. It was like love at first sight or seeing your soul mate for the first time.

That was the adrenaline rush I needed. That will get me out of my funk.

I want more of that.

The door suddenly opens and roaring violent wind fills the cabin. My brown hair swirls all around my head as I watch Shully disappear through the opening.

“Holy shit,” I gasp when I see nothing but clouds out the door.

Tito goes next, then Nicky.

“Your turn, cuz,” Nerf hollers into my face.

My whole body goes cold as I stare at him in horror. I don’t want to jump. I want to go find that guy.

“Say goodbye to that dark cloud and hello to adrenaline,” he says as he grabs my arms and yanks me to my feet.

I want to explain to him that I’m all good now. That I’ve found something to be excited about. That I’m ready to start a new chapter, and it has nothing to do with jumping out of a moving airplane.

But the wind is too loud, and I’m too slow, and Nerf is too impatient.

He has an iron grip on my arm as he runs to the open door, pulling me with him.

I scream as we fly out of the airplane and plummet into the vast blue sky.

Chapter Two


“Aiden, what the fuck, man?” Tyler shouts as I untie his horse and jump onto it. The big burly owner of the Greene Mountain Stables is running over, looking pissed off that I’m horse-jacking him.

“I’ll pay you when I come back,” I say, my voice and heart both racing. I can’t get into these mountains fast enough to make sure she’s okay.

I just want to see her again. To lay my eyes on her stunning face. Those eyes… Those lips… She’s haunting me.

“This isn’t how any of this shit works, man,” Tyler says with his hands on his hips. “You have to ask before you take my horses.”

I want to explain to him how everything just changed, how my life got flipped upside down and inside out in a moment, but I can barely talk. I’m desperate to get back to her.

“I just… There’s an emergency. I need it.”

“Someone lost?”

“Yes,” I huff out. Me.