I’m fighting back moans as Aiden’s hard cock rubs against me. With the bouncing of the horse and his big muscular arms wrapped around me, I’m suddenly overheating down there. I’m burning with need as we ride away.

My breath catches in my throat when I look down at his thick forearms. They’re flexed tight with long veins running along them as he guides the galloping horse down the steep mountain.

I look back to see if the wolves are following us and gulp when I see three of them on our tail, running around trees and leaping over rocks. That asshole black wolf is at the front. He won’t quit. Do I really look that tasty?

“I got you now,” Aiden growls in my ear. “You’re safe with me, Kylee. I won’t ever let you go.”

I sink into his embrace, feeling safe and secure as I let him handle the situation and take care of me.

He guides the horse down the mountain and out of the trees. The shining sun hits us as we race down the grassy side of the mountain.

“They’re gone,” he whispers as he slows the horse to a trot. “They won’t follow us out here into the open.”

I have to see it to believe it. I turn around and say a little prayer of relief when I don’t see any hungry wolves behind us. They’ll have to find something else to eat for dinner.

Insane In The Brain by Cypress Hill starts playing on the phone in my pocket. It’s finally safe to reach in and take it out.

“Sorry,” I say with a nervous chuckle as I turn off the song.

“It’s all good,” he says in that deep rumbling voice that makes my skin tingle. “I’ve never rescued anyone to a soundtrack before.”

“Next time I’ll play something cooler for you like ACDC’s Thunderstruck or something.”

He laughs. “I don’t know. I kind of like Salt-N-Pepa.”

“Thank you for saving me,” I say, wishing I had something better to say than that. It feels like a thank you isn’t really enough in exchange for someone saving your life. I mean, it’s what you say when someone passes you a box of tissues. Surely something better is required when someone risks their life to save yours.

“It was my pleasure,” he whispers back.

I turn and look up at him. He’s smiling down at me with such a warm loving smile that it makes me all warm and gooey inside.

Maybe a thank you is enough. He certainly looks content with how things worked out.

“How did you find me?” I ask as his white horse makes its way down through the tall grass.

“I knew the direction you were headed,” he says. “One of those guys you were with saw you drift off, so I came this way. And then when I got close, I heard the growling and the screaming and the nineties hip hop.”

I shake my head and chuckle. “When I was a teenager, my mother told me that listening to explicit music would rot my brain. Little did she know, it would save my life.”

He laughs as he pulls the horse to a stop.

“I’m going to give Otter a rest,” he says as he hops off. “I was pushing her pretty hard to get to you.”

“Oh no,” I say, feeling awful. “I’m sorry, Otter!”

I hop down too and run my hand over her shoulder. “Thank you,” I whisper.

I know a thank you definitely doesn’t mean shit to a horse, but I say it anyway.

“There’s a creek down there,” Aiden says, pointing to a cluster of trees. “I’m sure she would like a drink.”

“Then, let’s go,” I say as I grab the reins and lead the way.

Aiden walks beside me and I suddenly realize how tall he is now that I’m standing next to him. The top of my head comes up to his chin.

“Did you enjoy your jump?” he asks.

“Not really,” I say with a chuckle. “It was even more dangerous than you warned me it would be. I should have listened to you.”