“Just fucking great!” I say as I slam my fist into the bunched-up parachute. I guess this is what you get when you hang out with a grown ass man named Nerf.

I punch and kick the parachute, beating it into submission, until I can kind of close the backpack with the two straps. I toss it onto my shoulders, tie the jumpsuit around my waist, and look around.

I’m in a small opening, surrounded by tall trees. I’ll be walking through the forest most of the way back down, but if I keep heading down the incline, I should be okay. It can’t be too hard to not get lost. I mean, I can see the town down there. I just have to keep my bearings and head right for it.

My mind wanders back to the man at the General Store as I begin hiking down. I shiver when I recall the heated way he was looking at me with such intensity and desire. I’ve never had a man look at me like that before—like he couldn’t go one more second without my lips on him.

I’m wondering all about that man until I remember that I have my phone. I gasp as I whip it out and google Greene Mountain Search and Rescue.

Three names pop up:

Colin Hill.

Julian Long.

Aiden Hughes.

I click on Colin and then Julian. They’re both good-looking, but they’re not the man I’m looking for.

My body gets all tingly as my fingertip hovers over Aiden Hughes. This must be him. I relish in the anticipation for another second and then I click on his name.

A photo of him pops up and I let out a little moan. He’s looking sexy as hell standing in the mountains with his arms crossed and a smoldering look on his face while he stares at the camera.

I stop walking and stare at it for a long moment. I really want to see him again.

My heart pounds as I read his bio. He’s twenty-eight years old, born and raised in the Greene Mountains. He’s saved nineteen stranded hikers so far in his ten-year career and he is an amateur cartographer, whatever that means.

I scroll back up to his photo and my body gets all warm as I stare at those stunning blue eyes. I can’t help but smile as I gaze at him. He’s so freaking hot.

Movement between the trees catches my eye and I dart my head up with a gasp.

“What was that?” I whisper as the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up.

I frantically look around, fearing the worst, and then I see it.

The worst. It’s actually the worst.

A wolf.

A large black one slinking between the trees with his head hung low and his dark brown eyes fixated on me. He lets out a low growl as the hair on his back rises.

“Oh shit,” I whisper as he turns back the other way, pacing in front of me. He’s about fifty yards or half a football field away and I don’t want him to get any closer.

“Beat it!” I scream as I wave my hands in the air. If I make myself bigger and louder, maybe he’ll get scared and bolt. Or, maybe the commotion will sound like the dinner bell to all of his hungry friends.

Still. I have to do something. I quickly pull up the Spotify app on my phone, crank the volume all the way up, and hit play. The last thing I was listening to was my 90’s Hip Hop playlist so Notorious BIG starts rapping through the forest at full volume.

Hypnotize doesn’t scare him and neither does Juicy after the song changes. He keeps pacing through the trees, watching me with those terrifying ravenous eyes.

“Alright,” I say to myself. “We’re not going that way. Let’s turn back.”

I slowly turn around to backtrack up the mountain, but I stop in my tracks when I see three more wolves up the incline. They’re all watching me.

“No,” I gasp. “Shit, another one!”

There are four, no five more wolves looking like they’re going to tear me to pieces. The whole pack is here for a family dinner.

They boldly start walking down the incline toward me. I whip my head around and curse when I see the huge black wolf now only about twenty yards away.