Ethan’s face lights up in a huge grin when he sees me. I drop to a knee, open my arms, and he charges forward, slamming into my chest as he hugs me as hard as he possibly can.

It makes my freaking day.

I scoop him up into my big arms and carry him over to my beautiful wife who’s carrying a bunch of brown paper bags into the office. I wrap my arm around her and pull her in for a soft kiss on the lips.

Mmmmm. God, I love this woman.

Just the sight and smell of her is enough to brighten my day. I still can’t get enough of my Kylee.

“Is that lunch?” Colin asks when he sees the bags.

“Yeah, it is!” Kylee says as she raises it into the air with a big grin. “Are my boys hungry? I brought subs from Cliffside Tavern!”

Colin and Julian both grumble as I laugh and kiss her again.

“Is it not good?” she asks, her smile disappearing.

“It’s perfect,” I say as I take the bags and taste her soft lips once again. I toss the subs onto the table with a grin. “Eat up, you jackals.”

Once Colin and Julian pull out the subs, they forget all about the pizza and burgers. They hungrily dive in with no complaints. These subs really are the best.

I set us up on the table in the corner, just the three of us for a little family time. Colin takes Charlie out for a walk and Julian heads to the bakery to visit his girl, Abby, and to get us some dessert, so we have the place to ourselves.

I’m so happy and filled with gratitude as I look at my wonderful little family. Ethan is trying to fit his tiny mouth around the huge sub and me and Kylee are smiling as we watch him fail spectacularly.

I adore them both. Having Kylee in my life has been a godsend. I don’t know what I would do without her.

She catches my eye and smiles.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“For what?”

How can I tell her what she means to me? How can I explain how grateful I am to have her in my life? How much I love her?

“For everything.”

She takes my hand and smiles knowingly.

I don’t have to explain it. She already knows.

That’s how it is with soulmates. We just know.

“I love you,” I whisper.

My heart aches as she gives me a warm smile back. “I love you too.”

“And I love this sub!” Ethan says as he looks at it with hearts in his eyes.

We both burst out laughing, happy for yet another unforgettable moment together.



Twenty years later…

“Come on, Jackie,” I whisper through gritted teeth as I watch my youngest daughter flying into the air.