I grit my teeth, shocked that she can feel even better, as I watch her shake violently on the bed while her orgasm consumes her.

It feels too good and it sends my own orgasm rocketing up from the darkness. I grab her hip, thrust in hard, and let out a roar as I cum deep inside my girl.

We cling to each other as I empty all I can into her.

My cock jumps one last time and a little more seed spills out.

I hope that’s enough to do it. I hope it gets exactly where it needs to go.

“Come here,” she whispers as she pulls me on top of her. I collapse in her arms, careful not to crush her under my weight.

I’m still inside her, enjoying the feeling of being so connected when she starts scratching my back, dragging her nails up and down my skin.

She’s mine now.

I finally got what I was craving—an angel of my own.

And I’m never letting her go.

Chapter Ten


Iopen my eyes and yawn, feeling like I just woke up from a coma. I don’t think I’ve ever slept that deeply before in all my life.

A blissful feeling of complete satisfaction is humming through me as I stretch out in the soft warm bed.

Aiden is sleeping beside me, facing the other way. His huge back is heaving up and down with every heavy breath he takes. He looks like a sleeping giant.

I grab my phone off the night table and—What the hell?! 10:23?

I can’t remember ever sleeping in this late. I’m in shock.

I guess that’s what happens when you get fucked all night by a hulking mountain man with a massive cock. It takes a little bit out of a girl.

The sleeping giant stirs and then turns around. He’s so cute. His eyes are all groggy and he smiles sleepily when he sees me.

“Good morning,” he grumbles, his voice deeper and scratchier than normal. His hair is all messy and I have to stop myself from climbing on top of him and kissing him all over.

“Good morning,” I say shyly, my cheeks blushing even though we’re way past blushing.

“Did you sleep well?”

I nod on the pillow as I watch him.

He yawns and stretches those big muscular arms. The sheets slide down his torso with the movement and I get a stunning eyeful of his chest and abs.

This is not a bad way to wake up. Not at all.

It beats getting up in the dark at 4:30 and heading out to gymnastics practice. I’d take waking up like this over my old life any day of the week.

He’s laying in the bed, watching me like I’m the most beautiful thing in the world even though I’m probably a mess right now. The spectacular view of the mountains is visible in the huge window behind him and I just have this unwavering feeling like I can’t leave all this.

I might not know everything about Aiden, but I do know that I want the new chapter of my life to involve him. I want him to be a main character in the rest of my life.

He sees me continuously stealing glances at his abs and smiles.

“Touch them,” he says as he grabs my wrist and puts my hand on his hard stomach. “I know you want to.”