Page 38 of Kiss of the Vampire

She wondered if his friends were going to join them since he didn’t seem to go very far without them. “It sure is nice to have friends like you have.”

“We’re your friends, too, now, Caitlin.”

They walked into the buffet line where a cook was making hot roast beef sandwiches. Levka handed her a plate and grabbed one for himself.

“Yes, but you’ll go back to Texas, and I’ll be in Florida. It won’t be the same.”

“Sour dough, wheat, or rye?” the cook asked.

“Sour dough,” Caitlin said.

“Same,” Levka added. “And I like my meat the bloodier the better.”

Caitlin looked up at Levka. “I’ll miss you.”

He shook his head. “We haven’t even made it to the islands yet, and you’re already saying goodbye?” He tsked.

Looking down at her plate, she nodded. “Take one day at a time. That’s what my doctor said. I really have a hard time doing that. I keep wanting to plan my whole life ahead.”

“One day at a time sounds like a good plan.”

When they took their seats at a round table for eight, the place was empty. Before long, Stasio, Arman, and Ruric joined them with three cute girls in tow.

Raising her brows, Caitlin greeted them. She was glad she didn’t know any of the girls.

“This is Trish, Amie, and Jaygen from Georgia,” Stasio said.

“Caitlin, what had happened at the restroom?” Levka asked her.

She stared at him. Why ask her now? Because she was surrounded by friends? Safe? “I worried about Alicia,” she said telepathically. She wished the rest of the guys didn’t know what she was saying, but though they seemed to be listening to the girls’ conversations, they glanced her way when she began to communicate with Levka. “Lynne was in the restroom, and I asked if Dylan was being mean to Alicia.”

“Like he was mean to you.”

Ignoring his comment, she cut her sandwich in half. She was still afraid he’d go after Dylan, and Dylan’s friends would take Levka and his friends on. “I asked Lynne to watch Alicia and Dylan. When she left the restroom, I heard her tell Dylan I’d been talking about him.” At once Caitlin noticed Levka’s back stiffen. “Dylan said he’d like to ask me what I’d said. I…” She tilted her chin up. “I was afraid to come out of the bathroom.”

Levka seemed totally in control, showing no emotion whatsoever, yet beneath that calm exterior she imagined he was not so easy-going. “What happened on the balcony, Caitlin?”

He would not give it up. She squared her shoulders, wishing they were broader and that she was taller. She felt smaller than everyone at the table. Though the girls continued to talk, she noticed then, the guys all remained silent. Waiting for her to spill the truth? “I fell.”

Taking her hand in his, he studied the bruises. “Dylan’s fingers imprinted on your wrist?” he asked, looking up at her.

She pulled her hand away. “Promise me you won’t go after him.”

His mask slipped, and for an instant she saw the feral look in his eyes.

“Promise me.”

“I won’t promise not to protect you.”

She took a deep breath. Figuring he wouldn’t quit badgering her about it, and probably would have already guessed, she said, “I found him and Alicia in the bathroom together.” Her whole body warmed when she told him about it. “I told Dylan to get out.”

A nearly imperceptible smile curved Levka’s lips.

She looked at the table. “He got angry and forced me onto the balcony.” Glancing at Levka, she felt the darkness again. “He told me not to say anything to anyone about what had happened between him and Alicia. I imagine he was only referring to my foster parents. He wouldn’t care if anyone else knew. But they might forbid her to see him, so…” She shrugged.

“What else, Caitlin?”

“Nothing else.”