Page 24 of Kiss of the Vampire

“Why don’t you take the stairs?” Caitlin asked, her voice harsh. “Looks like all of you could do a little climbing.”

Someone hit a button, and the doors began to close. But then another guy punched the button to open them. Two teens got off. Then another two.

“Losers,” the first guy said.

Caitlin pushed Levka’s wheelchair into the elevator and ran the wheel over the boy’s foot.

He swore at her and stalked out of the elevator.

Several chuckled.

“The guy’s a jerk,” one of the girls said. “Good move.”

When they got off the elevator, two of the girls were talking to Levka like he was their long lost friend. Caitlin pushed his wheelchair to the dining room, quiet the whole time.

They soon reached their reserved table and found the same seating arrangements. Red-faced Dylan glared at an unresponsive Alicia. Ripping apart a roll, Lynne scowled. Levka’s friends raised their brows at him as they looked at the girls that had Super Glued themselves to him.

The girls seemed disappointed to see the seats at the table already filled. “Maybe we can get together with you later, Levka,” one of the girls said, then patted him on the shoulder.

“See ya around,” the other girl said and squeezed his hand in parting.

He swore Caitlin humpfed under her breath. A girl had never been envious over him before, not even Cassandra, which couldn’t help but inflate his ego.

“What’s up?” Ruric asked, moving into his chair with a backward glance at the other girls.

“A little trouble getting room on the elevator,” Caitlin said. “Doesn’t anyone teach their kids to be nice?” She gave Alicia a sarcastic look.

Dylan snorted. “Looks like all you’re left with is the reject. What does nice get you?”

“It’s a good thing not all guys are like you,” Caitlin responded, her cheeks hot with annoyance.

“Well, seems you’re finally speaking your mind.” Lynne buttered a roll. “I’ve never known you to say more than a word or two and nothing nasty since you moved in on Alicia and her parents. Wheelchair guy got you all worked up?” She gave her a snide smile.

Caitlin ignored Lynne and looked over at Alicia. “You need to eat your eggs.”

“We went ahead and ordered already,” Stasio said. “Alicia told us what you like for breakfast.”

Caitlin gave a short laugh. “I didn’t think she knew.”

Stasio sipped his coffee, then set his cup down. “Cinnamon roll, iced tea, and one egg-over-easy.”

The wait-staff brought Caitlin’s breakfast, and she smiled. “Thanks so much.” She glanced at Levka’s empty place setting. “What do you like to eat?”

Everyone watched him, and Levka unfolded his napkin on his lap. “Steak, rare.”

Lynne wrinkled her nose. “For breakfast?”

“And eggs, runny.”

Caitlin grinned. “Like mine.”

The Irish comedian’s blood the night before had satisfied Levka, and he hadn’t needed any other nourishment this soon, but the look of worry on Caitlin’s face convinced him to share a meal. He knew his friends would rib him about it later. But he worried that with the other mortals taking notice, he had to make a good show of it. None of his friends were eating anything, and he assumed they’d found early morning snacks to satisfy themselves. They all drank cups of coffee, though, to fit in.

“That was some storm last night,” Lynne said. “But now that the seas are calm, I’m going swimming right after breakfast. What about you, Alicia?”

“She’s swimming.” Dylan gave Stasio a look like he’d better not contradict him this time.

Alicia looked at Stasio as if she were waiting for him to tell her what to do.