He nodded, but she couldn’t read his expression this time.

Then the horrifying thought crossed her mind—he was interested in her because she was Emma’s friend? Instantly, she stiffened. If he thought that he could get friendly with her so he could make the moves on her girlfriend next…

Sure, that was it. He figured Fiona could offer to introduce him to her. Except Emma was glued to Randy Quarterback and Tux needed an in…being that he was probably not really into the physical stuff. First, she had the bad luck to get involved with Bradley Stapleton, who had been playing the field, unbeknownst to her, and now Tux…

She shook her head. Better to end her fantasies before they got any more interesting and unattainable.

“Do you want to meet her?” Fiona’s voice sounded a bit on edge, though she had meant to sound sweet and innocent, not in the least bit annoyed. She wanted to growl. No wonder the cutest guy she’d seen in forever wanted to dance with her.

He shook his head, his gaze shifting back to her. He sure wasn’t talkative.

“You don’t want to meet her?” This time Fiona said the words so incredulously, that he cast her an elusive smile.

“No,” he said, his word tinged with amusement.

A strange sense of relief washed over her. The thought the cutest guy in the school wouldn’t be interested in her girlfriend, instantly set her at ease. “So you said you were new to the school?”

His dark eyes sparkled. “No, you said I was new to the school.”

“Oh. I haven’t seen you around, so I thought you might be new.” She bit her lip, trying to come up with something even more brilliant to ask. She never was this tongue-tied with Emma. Why did she have to be such a klutz with Tux?

The guy in the toga approached again, and Tux’s hand tightened on hers. His protectiveness, or maybe possessiveness, cheered her. She glared at the drunk. Why was it that a drunken kid was the only other guy interested in her? Figured.

The sheet-cloaked guy stumbled into her. “Can I dance now?”

“Sure, go right ahead.” Fiona motioned to a free space on the dance floor. “There’s lots of room.” There wasn’t much floor space for a couple, but if Toga Guy danced by himself, there would be room enough.

He laughed, but his tone wasn’t amused. He grabbed her arm with the grip of a gorilla, his fingers instantly bruising her easily bruised skin.

She would have taken care of the guy effortlessly with one of her own martial arts moves, just a twist of her arm to free herself, then a knee to the groin, and?—

Before she had a chance to jerk her arm free as she had learned in martial arts, Tux touched him with the palm of his hand and shoved lightly. The drunken kid fell several feet into another couple.

The toga-clad guy jolted a six-foot tall mummy, who immediately slammed his huge fist into Toga Guy’s face and knocked him on his butt.

“Fight! Fight!” several of the students chanted, like a bunch of bloodthirsty ghouls.

“Time to leave.” Tux’s voice was determined, brooking no argument. He grabbed Fiona’s hand, then hurried her toward the exit.

“Wait! I came with Emma!” Fiona struggled to extract her hand from his, her heart thundering. She didn’t know anything about the guy. Not even his name—she realized—if he was new to school or not…well, anything. What if he didn’t even belong to the school? He certainly didn’t act like any of the immature guys she’d met. He seemed sophisticated, well beyond his years, for being only seventeen or so. Maybe he was eighteen, or maybe he had been held back a year and was nineteen.

“Emma won’t mind,” he said, his tone dark and mysterious. With Fiona still in tow, he hurried her toward the door.

“I mind!” She twisted her arm toward herself, then down and around, freeing herself from his grasp.

“Fiona!” Emma hollered from somewhere in the cluster of students, who were vying for a better view of the fight, while two parent chaperones were racing to stop it.

Fiona turned.

“Fiona!” Emma ran toward her. “You’re not leaving, are you?”

Fiona shook her head. “Not without you.”

“Where’s the totally hot guy?”

Turning, Fiona looked at the spot where he’d been standing. He’d vanished. He must have slipped out through the exit, but it seemed as though he’d vanished into thin air.

“Gone,” Fiona muttered under her breath, her arms prickling with unease, yet she couldn’t help being irritated the way things had turned out. The first cute guy who really took an interest in her…