Had he wanted to protect her? She snorted. Yeah, right. He might not normally be a physical kind of guy. Even though Tux had shoved Toga Kid into the mummy, he might have worried the mummy would clobber him back.

Tux really didn’t look like he had the kind of build that could handle muscled mummies or other threats. Yet, his sinfully dark eyes held some kind of a hold over her that could definitely be labeled dangerous with a big “D.”

She glanced at the rearview mirror and swore a black sports car had followed them from the dance. First down the main drag, then a side road, then another street, but then it disappeared down the next one.

She couldn’t shake the feeling the car had been following them. Paranoia. Sleepless nights were absolutely making her paranoid.

She glanced back at the road and saw a guy standing next to the road in the dark—too close…too close to the road. The headlights of Emma’s car highlighted the tall, dark-clothed figure of a teen, right before he dashed out in front of them.

“Stop, Emma!” Fiona screamed at her friend but warned her too late.

Emma slammed on the brakes, the screeching sound shattering the silence of the night.

The front bumper hit him squarely in the legs with a horrible thud. For a second, he lingered on the hood, rolled off, and disappeared before their eyes.

Fiona’s heart thundered, and she barely breathed. “Ohmigod, ohmigod.”

Emma stared out the windshield, not moving, not saying a word.

For a second, Fiona was worried her friend had gone into shock, but what about the guy she had just ran over? Fiona began issuing orders. “Emma, snap out of it! Turn off the ignition, set the emergency brake. Call 911.”

“I…I didn’t bring my cell phone.”

Through clenched teeth, Fiona ground out, “Great! Neither did I.” Too late to regret the fact she had left it at home. She’d been running late for the party and had left it charging on her dresser. That’s what she got for being out of time as usual. Jumping out of the car, Fiona dashed in front of it. The blood rushed to her ears as she peered at the six-foot tall, dead-looking, redheaded hunk. He…he looked like the guy who had been at the Dallas mall with Arman. This was just too unreal. She didn’t believe in coincidences, and she couldn’t believe they would all be here in Portland, Oregon suddenly, running into her in different ways.

“He just can’t be dead,” Fiona whispered to Emma, touching the guy’s wrist. No sign of a pulse, not even a whisper of one.

Emma crept up beside her. “Is he…he?—”

“He doesn’t have a pulse.”

Emma tugged at her long blond hair. “Give him mouth-to-mouth.”

“You give him mouth-to-mouth! He’s dead!” Fiona touched his throat, trying to find a pulse there, just in case his wrist one wasn’t working. “Jeez, Emma, we’ve got to take him to the hospital.”

“But, they’ll report this to the police.”

“So?” Fiona couldn’t believe Emma. She was usually pretty well-grounded. Of course, running over a guy could shake anyone. Fiona shook her head and sighed, deeply exasperated. “Help me get him into your car.”

“We can’t.”

“What? We can’t leave him out here in the middle of nowhere. That’s illegal,” Fiona said.

“Running over him is illegal.”

Her friend had a point. Fiona motioned to his tux, which reminded her of the other guy who had disappeared at the dance. “The guy’s wearing black clothes and stepped out of the woods into the car’s path. He blended in with the night. You didn’t have time to stop.”

“I don’t have my driver’s license yet. I mean, when Mom returns home on Monday, she was going to take me in to get the license. I’m supposed to be driving with an adult still.”

Fiona stared at her. “I thought you got your license yesterday.”

“I was supposed to, but Mom had to leave too early.”

“Emma! I can’t believe you did this to me…to us. Help me get him into your car, now! I’ll drive us to the hospital.” At least Fiona had her license!

He stirred.

They both stared at the guy. In the car headlights, he appeared pale, probably due to running over him and killing him, briefly. His hair was slightly long and red. But his lips were as pale as his skin.