Gareth smiled, looking like he was on top of the world that his brothers would admit his being a vampire, through no fault of his own, had helped them in their battle against the rogues.

Brett gave his sister a hug. “I’m glad to see you doing well.”

“And you, dear brother.” Jasmine hugged him back.

Arman, Fiona, and the rest of the group all walked back to the mansion while the others who had been there to help fight the threat made sure they’d gone after everyone. Arman and their friends could have just reappeared inside the building, but sometimes after a fight with the adrenaline flooding their blood, they needed to walk it off a bit.

“Happy birthday, darling daughter,” Fiona’s mom said as they entered the mansion.

“Happy birthday, little one,” her dad said, heading up the stairs with Fiona’s mom.

Justin gave her a hug too.

“You did great,” Fiona said. “I was struggling to use my abilities and here you were, a newly turned vampire, attacking an ancient vampire, Justin.”

Justin sighed. “That was the best birthday present I could give you.”

“For sure.”

Arman agreed. Her brother had helped to give her the gift of life.

Everyone echoed the happy birthday sentiments and retired to their rooms. Once Arman and Fiona returned to theirs, he checked Fiona’s wound, but it was healing already and didn’t even need a bandage. Then they joined each other in bed.

“Why did you leave me?” he asked, cuddling her in his arms. He was thinking he would have to tie her wrist to his so she wouldn’t just vanish like that if it had to do with her not being able to control her vampire abilities to vanish and reappear in other places.

“I was visiting everyone’s dreams and the next thing I knew, I was floating among the clouds, but that part had been real.”

“As a vampire. Outside.”

“Yes. Thankfully, I had taken a real sword with me in what I thought was just a dream. I was drawn to the blood moon. I think I was out there all along, intercepting dreams. But then I overheard Shelly and Michail’s conversation about Tobias and the others being there in the gardens, and it pulled me out of my dream state. They wanted to turn me and use me for their own evil designs, but I was able to work my own magic on them. Before I could send word to you about their plan and that the others were in the gardens, I was fighting Tobias, and I didn’t have time to call for help.”

“You put Shelly and Michail into a nightmare first.”

“Yes. I was so angry that they were traitors, that I did it to stop them from fighting any of us and also from communicating with their people. I was trying to do the same with Tobias while you were fighting him, but I was having trouble concentrating.”

“Because you had been cut.”

“In part, yes, but also because I kept thinking I might not be able to cut him again, and it would be better if I could distract him so you could get a killing blow in. I realized when I cut him, I didn’t have the training or strength to really injure him badly.”

“I was afraid he’d swing around and kill you.”

“The thought had crossed my mind. I knew he was listening to my movements and my heart beating. I finally decided to really concentrate as hard as I could on my dream abilities like I had done with Shelly and Michail, and hoped if I could get him to raise his sword as if he were pointing to the greenhouse ceiling, you would have a chance to kill him. Except instead of you thrusting your sword at his heart right away, you were just staring at him as if you were shocked. I didn’t want to say anything because I was afraid if I did, I would break my concentration, and I would lose control over him.”

“But you didn’t lose your concentration over Shelly or Michail.”

“Right. But they might have been weaker vampires, which could possibly have made a difference. I tried to do the same thing with Regina when Jasmine was fighting her, and with Clarissa when Caitlin was dealing with her, but I couldn’t seem to. Maybe because I was too worried about everyone being hurt.”

“And because you had been hurt.”

“That could be true.”

He kissed her and hugged her close. “Don’t go traveling as a vampire without me, next time.”

She smiled and kissed him back. “Don’t tell me you’re going to start ordering me around because you turned me.”

“I wouldn’t dare, not knowing everything that you’re now capable of doing. You can chase me in my dreams though, if you would like.”

“I will do much more than that. I love you, you know,” Fiona said, sighing against his chest.