“You killed Tobias, didn’t you, Arman?” Fiona’s mother said.

“Yes. Tobias is dead. So are Regina and Clarissa.” As soon as Arman spoke the words, the sword fighting that had been going on stopped.

The Scottish vampires who were there to help Levka and his friends all shouted out with cheers.

Ruric and Stasio joined Levka and the others. Ruric said, “As soon as you said Tobias, Regina, and Clarissa were dead, the vampires we were fighting vanished.”

“They might have been turned by one of the three of the vampires and now they’ve been set free,” Arman said. “They no longer have a leader among them.”

Bea said, “That’s how I feel. I’ve been set free of Tobias’s control. While he was concentrating on fighting, he had no control over me. That’s the only reason I was able to battle it out with his minions. Even so, I didn’t want to go anywhere near where Fiona was, in case he could control me if I had gotten too close to him.” Then she frowned at Fiona and took her into her arms. “You’re injured.”

“It’ll heal up quickly,” Fiona said.

They noticed some of the vampires who were their friends and there to safeguard them were wandering through the gardens and Arman knew they were making sure none of Tobias’s people were still hanging around. Without a leader, they would have to either find another clan or pack to belong to or start their own with new leadership. But they most likely would return to the States.

They glanced up at the sky and marveled at the beauty of the blood red moon.

“I know I’m now eighteen, and we could celebrate my birthday, but would anyone mind if we wait until later in the morning?” Fiona asked.

“No, get your rest,” her mother said, giving her a gentle hug.

Her father hugged her too. “You did well for your first time as a vampire fighting for your life. And I saw what you did to Shelly and Michail.”

“I didn’t kill Shelly and Michail, did I?”

“No. But you put them in a state of terror so they couldn’t fight any of us. I put them out of their misery,” her father said. “They hadn’t planned to let Tobias take you for your powers. They planned to do it instead. They had no idea that you had already turned eighteen, had your full powers, and had been turned by Arman. It was a good thing that you kept the secret from them.”

“I didn’t trust them,” Fiona said. “Sorry that we didn’t share Arman’s turning me with you and Mom.”

“No problem. All that matters was that you are safe at the end of all this.”

“Did you use your abilities on anyone?” Fiona asked her father.

“I saw you struggling to do something to Tobias. I was able to ‘see’ what you were doing and then I was able to boost your ability. It’s something I’ve never been able to do with anyone before. It was amazing. He was a powerful vampire. I’m not sure I could have done it on my own either.” Her father smiled down at her.

She threw her arms around her dad and hugged him. “I felt it. A sudden surge of energy and then Tobias reacted like I’d hoped for. Thanks for helping me. We made a great team.”

Her mom just smiled at them, looking happy that Fiona and her father could connect with each other using their dream skills to help Arman take down the powerful vampire.

“Wow, the two of you can go with me anytime when I have to take down a rogue vampire,” Jasmine said.

No way did Arman want Fiona to go anywhere to fight vampires again. Not until she was truly proficient with her sword fighting skills, vampire abilities, and her dream power.

Jasmine’s hunter brother, Brett, Stasio’s hunter cousins Llewellyn, Cadfael, and his vampire cousin, Gareth, all joined them from battle and sheathed their swords, greeting the others.

“That was a battle worth fighting,” Llewellyn said.

“Aye,” Cadfael said. “We are glad you called on us to help out. The vampires were no match for us, but we did get in a wee bit of practice.”

Gareth laughed. “I had to help you fight three of the bastards they were so tough.”

Cadfael and Llewellyn smiled.

“I do admit it helps sometimes to have a vampire aid us when he has your skills, brother,” Llewellyn said to Gareth.

Gareth looked at Cadfael, waiting for his brother to agree.

“Aye, aye, I agree with Llewellyn, but dinna let it go to your head, wee brother,” Cadfael said.