“You said my father’s name was Nathaniel. What is my mother’s name?”


“And their last names?”

“Fairhaven. They were born in San Antonio, Texas and lived in Dallas, Texas for years.”

“Where was I born?”

“San Antonio.”

“So I’m really Fiona Fairhaven from San Antonio.” She was going to have to get used to that. But she liked it. It suited her. But then she wondered… “Is my first name really Fiona?”

“Yeah, it is.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad something was the same in her life.


Arman was sure ready to share a dream with Fiona again. He didn’t even mind if she took charge if they had the same result. Though kissing her for real appealed even more. But when he tried to sleep, he found he couldn’t. She seemed to be sleeping, and he was glad he had told her what Stasio had learned about her family and that she hadn’t had a meltdown. Instead, she appeared to be eager to learn what she could about her powers and how she could really use them. Hopefully for good. And he hoped she would like to keep her abilities. Stasio hadn’t learned if she could actually get rid of the curse.

Both Stasio and Ruric were using their skills to try and locate her parents in the meantime, and they hoped they would discover where they were and even more, that they would want to rejoin their daughter. Which made him wonder if they would even be happy that she was with a pack of vampires—helping her, sure, but would they prefer her to be with hunters? Finding a hunter mate?

Then he wondered what the deal was with Fiona’s father. Why was it that Tobias had to turn Fiona into a vampire the night of the blood moon when she turned eighteen, but her father and her mother had already been together? So wouldn’t they have been older? Unless they hadn’t turned eighteen yet. Or maybe something about Fiona made her different from her father. Arman couldn’t quit thinking about it. Now he really couldn’t get to sleep.

Fiona had curled up against the window and Ruric was zonked out. Stasio and Jasmine were cuddled together, their eyes closed, and he assumed they were sleeping. He didn’t want to disturb Ruric by leaving his seat to see if Levka and Caitlin were asleep or not. But everyone seemed to be sleeping on the plane for the most part. He saw a couple of overhead lights on where people were reading books though.

Stasio didn’t get as annoyed with anyone if they woke him up while he was sleeping like Levka did, so Arman asked him telepathically, “Hey, Stasio. About your research, was Nathaniel Fairhaven eighteen during the blood moon when Tobias wanted to turn him and control his powers?”

There was no response.

“Stasio?” Arman hated it when he couldn’t get an answer to some question that was gnawing at his brain.

* * *

Fiona had planned to sleep and enter someone’s dream, but when she was dreaming, she wasn’t with any of the vampires, just by herself, having a bizarre dream about babysitting a baby and wanting to wash it in the ocean, because everyone else was wading in the ocean. And they were waiting for her to take the baby in. But there was no beach. It was all boulders and so she was afraid she would slip off a slick boulder that was under water and the baby would be dunked. Then she began worrying that the ocean wasn’t clean enough. What was that all about?

Who would ever think of washing a baby in saltwater? She woke herself from the dream and pondered it, but none of it made any sense. She figured it was just one of those weird nonsense dreams she often had. She glanced at Arman, and he smiled at her. Poor guy. It appeared he hadn’t been able to sleep.

She snuggled up against him. “No luck on sleeping?”

“No. Any luck with changing anyone’s dreams?”

“No. I didn’t see anyone’s dreams at all. They might have been in REM sleep. I really don’t know how it all works. It appears everyone’s asleep though,” Fiona said.

“Yeah. I had a thought.”

“Don’t tell me. You wondered why Tobias was after my father when the magic time for me is eighteen and during the blood moon.”

“Yeah, exactly. I tried to ask Stasio telepathically, but he’s dead to the world. Unless he was ignoring me. But you might be right. Maybe for you it’s eighteen. Maybe for your father, it was a different age and perhaps not even during the blood moon. Maybe during the wolf’s moon. Or at some other particular time? Who knows? We just need to keep looking into it.”

“And find my parents.”

“Yeah, that goes without saying. Though?—”

“They might not like that I’m hanging out with a bunch of nice rogue vampires.”

Arman smiled. “You could say that. Though they’re vampires now too. But they might want you to be with hunters like they had been.”