“Twelve hours,” Ruric said.

That wasn’t going to be fun.

They reached the terminal just as the rain let loose and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Except for Stasio.

“What’s wrong, Stasio?” Fiona asked, since no one seemed to notice he appeared anxious, not even his girlfriend.

“He doesn’t like to fly,” Jasmine said. “Not in a plane, anyway.”

“That’s awful.” Especially since they had to fly so far to get to where they were going. “Then after we get to Scotland, what are we going to do?”

“We’re going to a safe house,” Arman said. “I’m sure that you’ll enjoy it. It has an indoor swimming pool and a tennis court even.”

“Wow. That sounds nice. Do you have any pictures of it?” Then Fiona realized she had his phone.


“What? Why not?”

“I never thought to take any pictures of it.”

Fiona glanced at the others, but they just smiled at her and shook their heads. “Oh, it’s a safe house.”

“Right, so no posting about the place online.”

With disappointment, Fiona realized she would never be able to get back to her social media online. Well, maybe only after she reached eighteen and got rid of the curse…or just managed to make it through the phase of the blood moon and Tobias and Regina no longer wanted to control her. Maybe then. Or not.


Arman hoped Fiona would be happy with them. Caitlin and Jasmine had fit right in with their little group of vampires who were always trying to get themselves out of one issue or another, but he wasn’t sure how Fiona was feeling about all the changes in her life. He knew she’d been unhappy with Regina and Tobias and had wanted to leave that situation behind as soon as she could. But it didn’t mean she would want to stay with them in Scotland. What if she wanted to meet other hunters like herself? Learn about their ways? Join a hunter family? Marry a hunter mate?

He wasn’t ready to tell her what Stasio had shared with him earlier today after digging through more online archives. Something he’d discovered that Arman didn’t think she was ready to learn about.

Stasio glanced back at him as they boarded the plane. Arman knew Stasio wanted him to tell Fiona what he had learned, but couldn’t that wait until they reached the safehouse in Scotland? Arman didn’t want to upset her. What if she decided to deplane while other passengers were still boarding?

Ruric was sitting in the aisle seat next to Arman, who was in the middle, and Fiona had the seat next to the window. Levka and Caitlin were sitting in the seats in front of them. Arman swore he always had to lead, even if he was in a seat on an airplane leading the way. Stasio and Jasmine were sitting in the seats across the aisle from Ruric, Arman, and Fiona.

If Ruric could have, he would have gotten them all first-class seats, but Levka had said not to bother because there were getting to be so many in their little vampire pack. He hadn’t wanted them to cause an incident if they bumped all the first-class passengers suddenly. It was a good thing too, because two of the first-class passengers were vampires.

The man and woman were having an open telepathic conversation about seeing the sights in Edinburgh, most likely thinking, wrongly, that no one onboard could be vampires listening in. They looked to be about twenty-five, but who knew in vampire ages. The man and woman had looked similar, both redheads, freckled, about the same build—slender, tall. They were dressed in black jeans, white shirts, black leather jackets and black boots. Arman was certain they were related. If not brother and sister, close cousins possibly.

Arman really hoped that they wouldn’t cause trouble for them.

Then the stewardess made the safety announcements and before long, they were in the air. Arman was so glad that Regina and Tobias hadn’t discovered them before they left the States. Though Regina and Tobias might end up going to Wales to see if they returned there, or they could find someone else to go in their stead. He just hoped Regina and Tobias wouldn’t learn about the coup in Scotland that Arman and his friends had been instrumental in and search for them there.

As soon as they were airborne, they settled back in their seats to make the most of the long flight. Stasio had been doing much better traveling by plane now that Jasmine was with him so Arman hoped it would help this time also.

The stewardesses started handing out drinks and once they both got a bottled water, Fiona said to Arman, “Okay, so what did you learn?”

“About what?”

She turned her head to look out the window.

He figured he was in the doghouse now. How would she have learned he knew something he didn’t want to share with her just yet?

“Stasio learned something, glanced back at you, gave you a look that said he wanted you to tell me the truth about something he had learned, and you looked at me, so I know it was about me.”

“Us,” Arman said, figuring he couldn’t get away with keeping secrets from her.