Page 19 of Salvation

I can see the headlines now.

The priest of Fordhurst sneaks out of a woman’s house late at night.

That’s a scandal this small town isn’t ready for, especially considering the girl has no idea I was in there in the first place.



My first warning is the click-clack of high-heel shoes on the church’s stone floor.

She’s here.

My obsession. My fucking world. My little doe.

My dark tendencies have become the norm again. She’s mine, which means I need to protect her. Keep my eyes on her. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

I’m out of my mind. My addiction is all-consuming. I’ve spent hours since I met her stalking outside her cottage, watching her when she thinks she’s alone. She needs to get some blinds because the old lace curtains on the windows don’t block anyone from seeing in.

I went too far last night going round the back and sneaking into her cottage, watching from the closet as she made herself come. It was fucking perfect. And then I came all over her stuff like a dirty little pervert. She’s just as fucking sexy naked as I imagined. And I’ll have her. I need her. There’s nothing in this world that can keep me from her.

I turn to watch her as she struts in, head held high and eyes fixed on me.

My dick is steel.

Damn it.

I flash her a smile. “I’m glad you made it, Madison.”

Obviously, we’re not alone. I take the art club on Thursday evening, despite having no skill in art myself, but I’m expected to be here. Seven other members come to the club, including Elaine Masters, who drives me insane with her constant flirting.

Tonight, I know I’m going to be sitting through this entire hour with a hard-on because this gorgeous creature makes me crazy.

I place a hand on her back as she approaches me.

A shudder races through her, filling me with a sense of satisfaction. “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it,” she says.

I clear my throat. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Madison. She’s new in town and enjoys painting, so she’ll be joining the club.”

The other members all utter ‘Hello’ in chorus. I notice the moment Elaine sees her, and her eyes narrow. Elaine has a nasty streak and won’t like a younger, more beautiful woman joining the club. If she even thinks about being a bitch to her, I’ll kick her the fuck out.

“Have a seat, Madison,” I say, ushering her to a chair in front of a blank canvas as far from Elaine as possible.

She smiles and takes her seat, pulling her backpack off her shoulders and getting out her supplies. “How does this work exactly?”

“It’s a place for people to come together and create. Sometimes, we have subjects to work from. At the moment, we’re working on landscapes from memory.”

She draws in a soft breath. “I’ve got the perfect one to work on.” There’s a sad look in her eyes as she exhales, and I long to know what is behind it.

Why is she here?

What makes my little doe tick?

“Great, give me a shout if you need anything.” I move away from Madison, not wishing to draw attention to the fact I want to devour her. My body is tense with anticipation.

The other members of the art club have already started continuing their work on their canvases, and I move around the room, giving them compliments on their pieces. I wander over to Elaine’s easel, noting how she has created an incredible cityscape using hues of blues and purples. As I lean in closer, I can see how she has used light to bring out certain elements and make them stand out against the darkness of night. It’s stunning, and it takes my breath away.

“Elaine, this is amazing,” I say, giving credit where it’s due despite my dislike of how forward she is. “Your use of color is superb.”