"What made you guys break up?"

"He cheated on me. Multiple times. I don't know why I put up with it. I just didn't want it to be true. I thought I was doing something wrong, so I kept trying to fix things between us even though they were already broken. I thought I was the problem. I wish I realized sooner that I wasn't."

The elevator opened and we stepped inside. I looked down at the perfect woman in front of me. I couldn't understand how anyone could cheat on her.

I took a step closer to her and then cupped her face, tilting it up to my own. "You are not the problem. I'm sorry you thought you were. You're perfect and if he didn't see it then that’s his problem."

"You've only known me about a week."

"But I know enough about you. You're wonderful Sophia." I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on one side of her cheek. "Absolutely." I kissed the other cheek. "Wonderful."

Time slowed to a stop as I pressed my lips to her own.

I always thought the first time I kissed Sophia would be hot and heavy. A hard press of lips and a rush of heat.

I never thought it would be this... gentle.

Her lips were as soft as they looked. They felt almost silken against my own and I tilted my chin to deepen the kiss. Sophia's arms snaked around my neck and she pulled me down to her, harder.

My suit coat fell from my hand at the same time her purse dropped to the floor. I wrapped my arms around her waist as our lips connected again.

I dipped my tongue into her mouth as she wove her fingers into my hair. She tasted like watermelon. A sweet sugary flavor that I ached to taste more of.

When a soft moan erupted from her throat, the air in the elevator shifted. The kiss turned from sweet and slow to what I imagined it would be. Hot and incredibly heavy.

Warmth pooled in my core, and I backed her up against the elevator wall. One of her hands scraped down my neck and landed on my shoulder. She used the position to boost herself higher and press her chest to mine.

A groan burst out of me at the feeling. "Sophia."

I dipped my hands down to her legs. I wanted to feel the heat between her legs on my fingers. I wanted to make her scream. I paused when I remembered what she was wearing.

Pants. Really flattering pants that made her butt look incredible, but pants all the same.

"I really wish you were wearing a skirt," I mumbled into her mouth.

"Me too." She dropped her hand from my shoulder and pressed it between us, unbuttoning the top of her blouse. "Would this make up for it?"

I gazed down at her chest. Her shirt was open. The sheer black bra she had on offered little coverage and I could see her hard pink nipples.

I grinned at her before I ducked down to kiss her earlobe, her neck, her clavicle. I alternated kisses and nips, relishing the moans that spilled from her lips as I navigated the valley of her breasts with my mouth. "It definitely would," I mumbled against her skin.

I flicked my tongue over the nipple and the sound that came out of Sophia was enough to drive me mad.

In an instant, I was using my index finger to tug down the top of her bra. I'd just gotten my lips around her nipple when the elevator dinged open.

We froze.

A half second later, we sprang away from each other. I quickly stepped in front of her in case there was someone standing in the hallway.

Luckily for us, it was empty. I sighed in both relief and frustration. Quickly, I closed the door again.

Sophia's lips were red and swollen and I'm sure mine looked the same. Her lipstick was also smudged. I swiped my finger against the corner of her mouth. She grinned at me and mimicked the action on my own lips.

We adjusted our clothes with matching smiles. I passed a hand through my mussed hair to fix it.

"Why do we keep getting interrupted?" she breathed in frustration. She combed her fingers through her hair.

I took deep breaths to calm myself down, as well as my very obvious erection.