Page 78 of Amassed Forces

“We can’t have sex then,” he surmised, nodding and standing.

I snorted. “I can hold myself back if you’re a man, James.”

“Fine, I can’t behave myself that well.”

“And yet you wait so long—” Moon started to say.

“Enough with the peanut gallery on our date,” I snapped. “People can overhear these things and I’m not about to have someone try and take the coven over because rumors we all don’t get along are happening. Do it again and I’ll have James take a bite out of whichever of you talks shit.”

Moon sent me a hurt look and apologized.

I went over to him and reached up to put my hand on his face but then dropped it. He caught my wrist and continued what I was doing, his skin warm on mine. “I know things haven’t gone as you wanted—we maybe wanted. James was before I even met you, Moon. I already loved him even if neither of us admitted it. I need everyone to stop acting like this is new.

“I’m not clicking with someone new and ignoring you when you want to date me too. People root for my husbands to heal my heart, but you guys need to understand James is already in my heart. I can’t let the stupid cat go, so root for this—for me to be happy and him not to be so stupid, okay?” I was glad when he nodded. “It also starts trouble between vamps and shifters.”

“Because it looks like we’re trying to keep a shifter away from you, not that he’s messed up.” He sighed when I nodded this time. Then he turned his head and kissed my palm. “You’re absolutely right, My Princess. I will speak to the others and make it clear to stop being stupid.”

“Thank you.” I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek when he leaned down.

“Thank you, My Princess,” James murmured as I moved back over to him.

I winked at him like he did to me often. “Only I get to bully you when you’re stupid. I don’t let anyone mistreat my knights; I’m really not going to allow it towards the one I’m dating.” I waited until he smiled and then pulled the rug out from under him. “Strip and shift, pretty kitty.”

“You are not calling me that,” he growled… As he yanked off his sweater.

“She can call you whatever she wants,” Kristof declared as he walked into the room. Then he snorted. “It’s better than ‘super old fart.’”

“Hey, I’ve called you sexy super old fart mostly,” I defended.

He shot me an amused look but then gestured to James. “I didn’t expect the cat to be here after the first date.”

“His leopard is going to be my snuggle buddy,” I told him. “He’s not getting fun.” I studied him for a moment and saw he was exhausted. “My husband is, and the pretty kitty can watch if he wants.”

Kristof licked his lips as he stared over what I was wearing. “And what am I getting?”

“Anything you want.” I sauntered over to him and dropped to my knees, blowing my husband right there in front of James and my guards.

Like they hadn’t seen that before?

James was shifted and on the bed when I was done, flicking his tail as if to say he wanted the same. I bemoaned the loss of getting to see him undress for me, but then I was distracted with Kristof getting naked.


We had hot sex—but only one round—before settling down to bed.

I woke to my face being licked, my eyes opening to stare into James’s eyes, still in leopard form… And Kristof was gone.


I glanced over and Mozell was my guard which was odd as well. “What happened?”

“Fort Knox was hit again by corrupted. Everyone is fine, and we don’t even think it was Keres,” she explained.

“We were worried about that,” I sighed. “We had been leading corrupted from the Midwest towards Denver and…” I sighed again. “Everything and all of the plans had to come to a screeching halt when the ghosts changed.” I flinched when I heard an odd sound but then looked at James to see his tail thumping. “You can shift back. I want to shower.”

He did, eyeing me over like breakfast but then remembered Mozell and Sisay at the door guarding me. “We’ve worked out a new plan now that we have answers from what Sundar did. We have pilots who aren’t your knights. Lots of them. Two are going to start making runs to DC like we were doing in Denver and LA. Also, three are flying over to land near Nora.”

“Good. Awesome.” I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. “Good job. Let’s get down to breakfast because I have a surprise for you.”