Page 72 of Amassed Forces

“You’re amazing,” I praised him.

He smiled at me and snagged another kiss. “You’re the one who put it all back online, my love. I simply gather all of the reports with Maggie and update what we have. The turkey processing factory is being cleaned today, and then we can easily process all the fucking birds much better.”

Awesome. Seriously, just awesome.

Another hard day of working—even if we took a break at lunch to go mini golfing again—and at the end of it, I found myself heading down to the dungeon. This time I stopped halfway down the stairs and turned around. Why did I keep feeling like I had to go see them?

I pushed the feeling aside and hurried to get ready for my date with James. I almost didn’t wear the super tiny crop top that I was falling out of, but then I saw it was paired with a zip-up hoodie.

His zip-up hoodie. He was having me wear his clothes on the first date.


I smelled it and sighed, loving the smell of James and wanting it all over me. I hurried to finish getting ready and went downstairs with my security.

He was standing there looking delicious in simple jeans and a light sweater. James was holding a large bouquet of flowers for me and eyeing me over like I was his.

And I was. We both knew it.

“I love these,” I gushed as I took the flowers and smelled them. “Thank you.”

“A proper date includes flowers for the beautiful woman,” he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. “And you look absolutely beautiful, sexy bite.”

I smelled my flowers again and handed them off to Moon, knowing he would keep them safe and take them to the kitchen even. I took James’s hand and pulled him off to the side away from any eyes.

He was about to ask me what was going on, but I crooked my finger at him. He smiled, probably thinking I was going to kiss his cheek for the flowers.

Silly man. We were way past that.

I caught his lips and moved my hand on his face, giving him a real and proper kiss. He was shocked a moment, but then his arms moved around me and he kissed me right back. “Now we don’t have to wait for the end of the night or be nervous. Now you can kiss me anytime you want since you’re mine.”

“Is that how it works?” he chuckled, rubbing his nose against mine.

“Yes, because I’m the boss and I say so. Right?”

“Yeah, I can agree to that if I get to kiss you anytime I want,” he purred.

“Oh, that’s just the start of what I have planned for you.” I winked at him and then turned out of his arms, heading back the way we came. “Come on, we have a date to get to, my pretty kitty.”

“You’re not calling me that,” he growled as he caught up with me.

“Pretty paws?” I teased, laughing when he gave me a look that he might spank me.

Moon joined us after handling the flowers, promising they would be in my room in a vase later. Then he carried me to where we were going… And I glanced around confused.

“I always wanted to have a date at the drive-in,” James explained. “It was where all the cool humans went on their dates.”

I nodded but then frowned. “But you were at least a hundred by then, right?”

“I was, but shifters have to—we don’t look in our thirties when we reach them like vampires. You’ve seen Simon. He could pass for a high schooler more than someone in his twenties.”

I wasn’t sure if I agreed with that, but maybe it was more apparent before? I’d heard humans say over and over again that they looked like they aged two decades during the apocalypse.

Which hadn’t been two decades.

“And they did it a lot when I was an adult,” James added. “My parents used to love having a date at the one near our house. It’s just… Simple. Calm.”

I nodded and took his arm when he offered it. We were in Albuquerque at the human protected area. There was a large screen set up and people were settled in front of it with food on picnic blankets.