Page 36 of Amassed Forces

“We would like more repaired Kindles for the guards from our coven at the warehouses,” Sebastian said. “Vance has been collecting a library of digital books? Did I hear that correctly?”

I nodded. “Wilson believes he found two of Amazon’s servers.” I smiled when people gasped. “Yeah, so we don’t know what’s all there, but for now he’s got it all tucked away somewhere completely safe that can’t be damaged. I think only Kristof knows or Petre too. But what Wilson went through so far was part of digital something, something that is books.”

Everyone agreed more Kindles and tablets with books or movies would really help all around to raise moral. I didn’t remember any of that, but I could see just holding something as a reminder that things were getting better… Well, it helped me a lot, and I was glad to give that hope as a reward.

“James, follow me,” I said in front of everyone as the meeting wrapped up before turning and leaving, not giving him a chance to respond.

“What did you need?” he asked as he joined me in my tower, giving me a curious look.

“You.” I bit back a smirk when he did a double take, ignoring his reaction and hitting the button for the elevator. It opened right up and I got on.

He hesitated.

“Get on my elevator, Knight. That’s an order.”

Something a bit dark filled his eyes, but he still did it.

Kristof rode up with us and gave me a soft kiss once we were in my room. “I leave you to spank your naughty kitty, my love. I have some things I want to handle before your ghosts tomorrow.” He gave me a heated look that stopped me in my tracks to say he didn’t have to be the one to be with me then.

I knew the truth though, and it was half heat and really half worry how bad the ghosts had gotten most recently after Keres did something. I nodded, thanking him for handling so much for me and promising to make it up to him tomorrow.

“I’ll hold you to that,” he chuckled before leaving.

“James, follow me,” I said… As I peeled off the vest I’d been wearing against the cold.

“Inez, I don’t know what’s going on, but—” he muttered as he followed me into my bathroom.

“What’s going on is I’ve made the mistake of letting you think you’re the boss of a bit too much.” I closed the door behind him and then started the shower before putting my boot on the counter and unlacing it. “You are in charge of our military, but you answer to me.

“That is the line you have kept well, but others have crossed it a bit because of the crazy. So I’m making it obvious who the bosses are on that and loudly.” I met his gaze in the mirror as I took off the boot and switched, making it clear I wanted an answer from him.

He nodded, crossing his arms over his wide, muscular chest.

“But see, the mistake I made was letting you think you’re the boss of so much more because I was being patient with you. And what has that gotten me? No answers from you. A lot of shit about how I’m a doormat and a fool to keep letting men treat me however.”

“I don’t think—”

“Silence,” I whispered, my voice cold. “You had your chance to talk and explain… How many weeks ago? How long ago was it really? You’ve been gone at Matilda and Nora’s for over a month.” I tilted my head and studied him in the mirror. “Did you even miss me? Send me a message?”

He ran his tongue over his teeth, clearly having a lot to say but respecting I was his boss at least.

I took off my boot and turned to face him, slowly getting undressed. “You started all of this from the first moment you called me ‘sexy bite’ and led me around like I’m on your leash. Teasing and making promises you never intended to keep.” I nodded when anger filled his eyes. “You didn’t make the big promise the others have, the commitment.

“But you made promises, James. How many times did you say you would fuck me one day? Promise to taste me? Be in my bed?” I felt better when he lost some of that anger, but I still practically saw his cat flicking its tail like he was pissed. “So now it’s time to show you the truth because my patience has run out and I’m tired of feeling the fool, especially for loving you.”

That last part truly hurt to say, but I was proud of myself for saying it while keeping my voice even.

I moved over to him, stopping just short of touching him, loving the way his eyes raked over me like a caress. “Now, I want to feed from my knight while I shower. Do you want that to be you, or should I call someone else? Troy Horne has offered many times and—”

“Permission to speak, Princess?” he bit out.

“Go ahead,” I about purred, pleased he was catching on so fast.

“I never thought you would play this sort of game and order someone to—”

“Be very careful,” I warned. “I ordered you to follow me and be in here. You’ve done a lot more than see me naked. And I would never order someone or pressure them to please me or be in my bed. I said feed. You’re not fucking touching me after what you’ve put me through. So don’t turn this around.”

He swallowed loudly and I realized it was because there were tears in my eyes. “You’re right. Sorry.”