Page 31 of Amassed Forces

Smart. I approved it and told people to get it set up and on Inez’s schedule through Maggie when ready.

All the outposts had all the weapons and military vehicles they needed now, and people had been trained on them to Trisha’s satisfaction. She wouldn’t call on them first, but they were good to go if the shit hit the fan. But the nobles wanted to set up a schedule to check on each outpost during the night.

That was smart. They could take an hour or two out of their nights and hang at an outpost for five minutes, rotating through them so basically someone old was there every five minutes to alert people of a problem. We had radios set up, but those only got so much range.

It was only for the time being because the Begley engineers were close to getting military communications back online that we could use… But not the rest of the remaining US “government.” That would have us more than covered without putting up cell towers for Keres to just take right back down.

Plus, that wasn’t the best use of time when people were still starving.

But we needed to communicate better to protect everyone. It was all such a balancing act that I hated most days.

I looked at Inez when I had that thought just as I always did. The same smile always came. She was worth it. She was worth dealing with all of these people and losing my quiet, peaceful life. She was worth being the boss at times even if I hated it and juggling so much bullshit.

She was worth every headache and tired moment that my patience was tested. Inez was more than worth all of it.

“I love you, my wife,” I whispered before kissing her hair.

“Love you too, old fart,” she mumbled in her sleep.


All of the updates were positive and would relieve Inez on how much was getting done. Jamelle had finished mapping the entire northeast part of the US until what had been DC. They were making good time and the numbers coming in were crazy. We needed to do a lot of culling. It was honestly shocking, and I didn’t think anything could shock me anymore.

I did thank Aether. So many animals were the one thing that could help us fight back and give people the incentive to want to help us even if the battle against Erebus wasn’t enough for them.

Part of me thought She’d known that would be something to have ready for Inez to use and… Made all the animals go crazy overpopulating? It sounded nuts and over the top. Really, it did.

But was it any more over the top or crazy than anything else She’d already been involved with and had gotten involved with?

Probably not.

All the gifts were already sent out for the princesses along with the live animals—everything Inez had promised and more. What we really needed were bullets. We needed to reform a fuck ton of bullets.

We needed anyone who had the gift of working with metals to make a group and start handling this. It was the only way to get more done. The noble in charge of weapons agreed and promised to get a team together.

Good. It wouldn’t be difficult since that wasn’t a rare gift, plus people wanted to show that they were willing to help after we accepted ten thousand vampires into the coven. Most seemed to think it was just a thing Inez said, and “guest” meant not originally from this coven. Or that we were just going to blanket stamp them all in.

So now that we’d taken the next step and not everyone was on it, people were getting with the program better.

Good. I still wanted to kill Llyod because he started too much trouble, but a lot of Safie’s coven liked him. They stupidly clung onto the idea that he was an honest man because no one could bust him in his lies with their gifts.

Except all the nobles of that coven who had kept those same people safe repeatedly said Llyod was a sociopath and his lies didn’t register.

Something to handle another day. When? Who knew, but there was never enough time for it all, so sadly it just kept getting pushed back.

The last update that came in was Keres tried to attack the solar farm being put in at New Orleans but found people working overnight on it. No one could be completely sure, but several people reported seeing the same thing of a woman with long blonde hair suddenly being picked up and blurred off.

And they hadn’t sensed either person.

That had to be Keres and whatever noble she’d tricked into following Erebus. Poor soul.

I smiled when Inez woke with the sun just like always. Her eyelids fluttered and then I was staring into those perfect green eyes I could get lost in.

She winced. “So I did something bad. Did they tell you?”

I snorted. “Chris deserved it. Is your hand okay?”

She burst out laughing, the sound exactly what I needed to hear after all of the tedious updates all night. She gave me a heated kiss. “I’ve maybe got a bruise on my ass from falling down drunk after I did it. Want to check in the shower? Maybe fuck your wife to remind her who she belongs to because she touched another man last night even if it was to hit him?”