Page 71 of Amassed Forces

“Really? Huh, I didn’t realize that.” I giggled when he slapped my ass, the sound echoing loudly.

We cleaned up, and he brought us back for breakfast but stopped at the foyer. I gasped at the sight, flowers all over the floor. In pots though.


“I didn’t want the flowers to die,” Branko explained. “I found a huge field of natural autumn mums. I located planters and dug them up so you can have them around the castle, share with the outposts. Vitor agreed to help me drag them all over for the surprise if I let him join us.”

I hurried over to him and jumped, letting him catch me so I was free to kiss him… And feed from him. I sank my fangs in his neck, drinking deeply but using the blood as Vitor had taught me. I healed my cells and stored up the power.

Licking the bite closed, I leaned back and let him see his blood on my fangs and lips. “I look forward to next Wednesday. Exceedingly so, lover.”

“Me too, but I will have you again before then, My Princess,” he… Warned? It sounded like a promise I wanted.

What was with these men threatening me with things I wanted?

We worked hard all day and honestly, I was a bit lost at what was what and where I’d been whisked off to. I was glad that I could use the energy from the ghosts and normal blood without turning into a lust monster. Or sex crazed, whatever.

Yes, I still got wound up but honestly, feeling cold inside helped. I couldn’t just explode like I used to. And then I could have hot sex later and fun. Not always have it be so… Weird.

Right before dinner, I headed down to the dungeon, but stopped right before I reached the door. Why was I going to go in there? I didn’t really have any questions to ask, and I wouldn’t trust the answers they’d give me anyways.

Was it to settle with my new reality that I had family alive and what they did to me was psychotic?

I backed away from the door, not wanting to deal with it. No, I’d worked hard all day saving people and giving us all better lives.

I didn’t want to get upset and handle their crazy.

So I didn’t. I went to dinner and then spent some time with Petre while getting more back online.

Then we really had fun in bed. He was sweet, clearly wanting more but not to be selfish with me.

“What does my lover want more than anything?” he asked after undressing me. He nodded when I hesitated.

“A massage? It’s been so long since someone’s rubbed me down and I feel achy after all the stress and crazy.”

“It would be my honor,” he promised.

Perfect. He did such a good job that I dozed off. I woke when he was massaging my front and exploring my body with his tongue.


So yeah, we had fun.

The next morning, I found the foyer full of loaded baskets and bins. I glanced at Petre, but he simply smiled and wouldn’t meet my gaze, on guard duty now. I went over to the one closest to me and found sealed plastic bags full of orange slivers of something.

“I love dried mango,” someone groaned from behind me.

Oh! It was fruit. I smiled as I saw strawberries in another bag and more.

“Thank you,” I told Petre as I brought the bag with me to breakfast.

Wow, I could get used to this kind of spoiling. I mean, they normally did bring all kinds of stuff, but it tended to get lost in the shuffle and be for the castle. This was clearly a gift after spending the night with me.

And I liked it.

“I see they got the dried fruit factory producing,” Sebastian joked as he saw what I had. “Lovely.”

“They had their first real run yesterday now that trailers of fruit were delivered that the coven have been harvesting,” Kristof said as he joined us, giving me a quick kiss. “The juice factory is going online today now that the right glass bottles were delivered and they have a way to wash them to reuse.”