Page 61 of Amassed Forces

I put it on, smiling at the very light green that matched his eyes. It was a pretty cocktail dress that was a flattering halter and with a flowing, poofy—but very short—skirt.

“Better than I imagined,” he groaned as I turned and modeled it for him. “Will you wear that for me tonight when we have a sunset picnic on the water? I’ll wear a suit and we can have something elegant and romantic.”

I bobbed my head without even making the decision, wanting to see him dressed up again and that sounded so… Nice! Calm. Perfect even.

He leaned in and kissed me. “That’s what this is. It’s a mall we’ve raided but kept a lot of everything in your sizes. The men who want to spend time with you can select outfits for you and tell you exactly the date they will take you on. You can choose if you accept and when. I’ve even worked it out with Maggie and how to adjust this into your schedule.”

“How?” I asked, searching his eyes.

“Everyone has to show you the outfit, and if you like it, they can have Maggie take a picture and label it with the date. All you have to do is scroll through the pictures and have whatever date you want, and the lucky man you choose will give you the date, be blessed to spend time with you. Hope you pick them again and offer more outfits.”

It was so ridiculously spoiled… And everything I had ever wanted.

“This was Jaxon’s idea originally, right?” I asked.

“Sort of,” he admitted. “He said he regretted most taking for granted how you let them dress you. How close it used to make him feel to you and how much fun you had. He liked being part of finding your style and…” He chuckled and kissed me. “You just wore what they wanted. I was the one who helped you find your style, huh?”

“Maybe,” I teased, starting to take off the dress. “I wouldn’t want to wear it out before tonight.”

“Wait, I thought we all got to see her in the outfits,” Kristof bitched.

Branko winked at me but nodded, saying that was the plan.

“Fine, the rest, but this one is just for Branko since he was brave and went first,” I agreed. I took it off and hung it back up, glad when someone had put a robe over the partition for me to wear.

Jaxon went next and brought me over to an outfit… Without anything to wear under it.

My heart dropped until I saw it was just fluffy lounge clothes. Then I looked at him with curiosity.

He smiled and cupped my cheek. “I would ask you to wear this while we sorted your seeds from ghosts. I used to love Mother’s greenhouses and how into nature she was. Nature is the best part of Ireland and I want—seeing that growing floor in your tower makes you sad. I want to sort seeds and work on the next step with you.”

I nodded, touched he finally got something right and was real with me.

And he moved the partition to block all of them, even him, so I could just get dressed alone.

He smiled when I popped out to show them. “I love how snuggly you get in those kinds of clothes. It’s like instant comfort for you and warms my heart.”

I nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear and then hurrying back behind the partition to change.

Darius had a cute outfit for me and said he wanted to take me to another museum and just have fun. He also did what Jaxon had and just let me change alone.

“Well done,” Kristof praised, a few others nodding in agreement as I modeled the outfit.

I liked the skorts and sexy sweater that hung off my shoulders. It was comfy and cute and after looking in the mirror, I had to agree that it worked for me.

Moon had grubby clothes for me, smiling when I was confused. “I love pottery, making it. I found a nice studio that we could have a date at and I could show you how it works, teach you.”

I beamed at him, hurrying to get undressed and try on the clothes. I nodded it fit and then took it back off, staying naked for a few minutes before reaching for the robe.

Sisay went next and I couldn’t help but frown, thinking he was there as my guard. He gave me a wink, showing me the casual outfit and saying he wanted to tour some of the dead factories. We both always got into how the places worked when we put them back online and he talked a lot about how cool the potato chip factory was.

He wanted to check out other places and make it our thing, see what we wanted to put back online and make plans for the future.

Yeah, that was fun. I liked it. We could have something cool like that as friends.

Even if I changed in front of him and he liked it. I thought he was hot too.

Tian went next, picking grubby clothes too and saying he wanted to go fishing again. Okay, so an excuse to get in on this fun and have time off. I appreciated it. Really, maybe he wasn’t such a jerk.