Page 60 of Amassed Forces

“And bring it all once the fences are up and we’re moving people in,” Cerdic muttered. “My vote is Ohio University since it’s already close to Fort Knox and her spies will think there’s just more going on than they thought. I also agree with the plan, but there are other large universities. University of Illinois is closer and easier to transport to.

“There used to be a lot of farms all over there, and that’s a good place for a clan to settle down there and manage. There’s also a huge university in Seattle. I believe that’s where we took down the stadium even to have the solar farm. Get that set up there where we already have so much. Yes, Ohio first, but I don’t know Michigan should be the next choice.”

“Okay, but we all agree Ohio is the best start?” I checked, glancing around and found people nodding. “Then let’s get it done. Let’s pick four more after that and get it all in motion. There are other settlements that we wanted to bring in because they’re too vulnerable. And I doubt Kaitlin will be the last princess I have to take out.”

Several people snorted, probably thinking Eddie’s mom would be next. That was a complicated fucking situation, so I wanted to leave it for the moment.

I received more updates, including that a large number of corrupted tried to attack New Orleans. Keres was smart. If she could get the humans we brought out of Fort Knox, then they would turn on us and there’d be no alliance. I was glad that it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle because of the protections we put in place.

And apparently, Kaitlin’s coven were taking the chance for a new life seriously. They had gone out to fight and handle what they safely could. They liked their nice hotels, unlimited food, and hope for the future.

That was for sure.


Everything was on track and people working as hard as ever. Good.

I turned to Kristof to ask what was next and he gave me a wink, letting me know it was something fun. I wasn’t really in the mood, but I knew he was trying so… I would do anything for him.

We went off, and I had no idea where we were when we stopped, simply that Kristof had made sure that I showered before the meeting and he seemed excited.


“Darius, Jaxon, and I have been working on an idea for some fun for you,” Branko told me. “Though they keep chickening out to tell you and are worried they’ll mess up again. I’m more confident and know this is the best idea ever.”

“What is it?” I glanced around, doing a double take when I saw a sign that was partially hanging but visible enough to see we were at a mall.

“It will make more sense if I show you.” He leaned in and brushed his lips over mine. “Please, trust me, My Princess. Men are stupid and we’re all too stressed. This is the right plan to get idiots back on track and show you exactly what you mean to us.”

I stole another kiss and nodded, willing to trust Branko. He’d helped me with a lot from getting me outfits to helping me find my own style to reading books that he recorded to help me with the ghosts to… A lot.

We went inside and the place had been picked over, most of the racks I saw empty or with only a few things. He brought me to Victoria’s Secret and I swallowed a sigh. I wasn’t in the mood for sexy time or naughty anything.

Really, I wasn’t.

He took my hand and brought me over to a rack. “Undress for me, My Princess, for all of us.”

“You can ask anyone to leave that you’re not comfortable with,” Kristof said firmly.

“Or let’s get a partition up so you’re not naked for everyone but the person doing this.”

I swallowed a sigh. What was “this?” I glanced around again, seeing all of my husbands, Branko, Moon, Vitor, Petre, Tian, Sisay… And James.

So everyone interested in me with Sisay and Tian as my guards?


“A partition please,” I whispered, staring at my hands.

“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” Branko agreed.

One appeared and everyone else moved behind it, only Branko staying with me. Yeah, I could undress for him.

“Perfection,” he breathed as his eyes raked over me. He moved to the rack and chose from the lingerie on it. “For me?”

I nodded and put it on, shivering when he fastened the bra for me, his fingers dancing over my skin.

“You are a vision, My Princess, my lover.” He smirked when I flushed. “Now the dress?”