Page 28 of Amassed Forces

I blinked at Branko several times. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

His lips twitched. “Inez just punched Chris and there’s a situation in Albuquerque now. We need you there and to help as her husband. Maybe get your drunk wife…” He shrugged, clearly wanting to say something like “under control” but not stupid enough to say it.

I didn’t wait for more, blurring away and directly to Inez.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get there fast enough and she was unconscious. I locked onto the human and his death was all I could see.

Petre grabbed me before I could react. “He did not touch Inez. She passed out from drinking. I’m shocked she didn’t sooner.”

“I’m fine!” Chris bellowed. “I deserved it. Just calm the fuck down, everyone. Jesus.”

I nodded to Petre that I was in control and not going to go for the human. I let out a slow breath when he let me go, glad that Inez was safely being held by Moon who I trusted implicitly. “Someone tell me what happened here.”

Chris looked at me and winced. “I said something I shouldn’t have and she punched me. Then she went to yell at me some more and passed out.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “She showed up here drunk and laid into me.” He held out his arms and gestured to the huge group around us. “Super fun to be told you’re an asshole like this.”

“Yes, well, several have told you privately and you didn’t listen,” Moon drawled, before focusing on me. “We need to step up security on the humans for the sake of your wife’s mental health. She made it abundantly clear that if the humans we’re protecting get hurt because Keres is trying to get more soldiers, it will break Princess Inez.”

“She did,” an older human said, giving me a serious look. “The way her voice cracked and the tears in her eyes when she spoke of Chris and others being infected when that attack on the castle was for her and that tree from your Goddess—your wife is a kind soul who would suffer greatly for things not her fault.”

I nodded, realizing he was the human who had been speaking with Cerdic on the pulse of the human settlement here. “I know. We are doing as much as we can, as fast as we can. All the hard work being done here has helped immensely.” I was glad I said that even if it felt odd to utter because people seemed to ease down.

Then again, everyone liked feeling appreciated. It made sense.

I met Chris’s gaze. “That is why we need to be on the same page and not have division. Now more than ever. You know how easily things can turn, and we’ll have a mutiny on our hands because of how many people value you and your leadership.”

“I would never allow that,” Chris said firmly. “I’m allowed to sort out my own feelings.”

“It’s not that simple and you know it,” Moon snapped. “People are talking about you staying here instead of with your lover at the castle. I’ve heard the whispers that maybe there’s something wrong with us and we’re really not as nice to humans. Maybe you didn’t feel welcome there or like a second-class citizen?”

Chris looked upset even if I couldn’t sense it. “I didn’t know. I wouldn’t have…” He glanced around the large group gathered. “Everyone was incredibly nice to me at the castle. Even vampires who weren’t used to being around a human because they lived in secluded covens were polite but almost scared of me.

“No one was rude to me. No one remotely said anything or mistreated me. I was—hell, I was treated nicer than I’ve seen military spouses at big events. The damn chef kept checking if I had any dietary needs he wasn’t covering because shifters and vamps have mostly iron stomachs. This was something between Ty and me that we just need to work out.”

Moon snorted. “Oh, I think that ship has sailed. Ty made it pretty damn clear tonight that even if you get your head out of your ass, he didn’t know if he could forgive you for loving your pride more than him.”

I was shocked that Moon was poking the human so much and so publicly. I gave him a look to chill and de-escalate the situation.

He did a double take and sighed. “Do you remember the night he realized Chris was alive? How overwhelmed and relieved he was. Tyson is one of the kindest cats ever and he’s a damn lion. We know how aggressive they can get. He’s always helping. He’s always there to listen. He’s a genuinely good guy who helps people see the lines when there’s so much crazy.

“He’s kept Inez safe a lot with reminding people to watch their mouths or being there when she feels vulnerable. He’s always an older brother to her and never blurs the lines when she’s had so much of that. It’s what she’s needed to keep moving when all of this is on her baby vampire shoulders. And that light is gone inside of Tyson because Chris is being stupid. I’m pissed.”

Yes, yes, he was, and it was rare.

Plus, he hated stupid people. He’d tried so hard to help Darius find his way as well, but the young vampire couldn’t get out of his own way and fix the mess he’d made. That was one of Moon’s biggest pet peeves. People who just couldn’t get it together even when people offered their help.

Life was more complicated than that, but we all had our things. I loathed people who couldn’t accept they had more to learn or didn’t know everything. It was why I hated most young shifters and vampires. Too many reached the age of adult, learned a few important things, and thought they knew it all.

When in reality, we all knew very little and needed to always keep growing and learning. That was what real age should teach people.

Chris impressed me by taking what Moon said in stride. “Look, she’s right that there was more to the situation than I’d realized. I kept blowing up at Ty because he said he would do the same thing no matter my objections after the fact. That’s still making the decision for me. That’s never okay, which Inez agreed to.

“So I’ve been pissed about apples and he’s been talking about oranges. I guess. It’s also not all we’ve had going on.” He gave me a hard look. “But I did worry about the ripples and people who heard too much overhearing us fighting all the fucking time. I didn’t move out of the castle, I just took a break here, and also that zipping back and forth is rough.

“It seemed the calm, mature thing to do. As you said, we need to get a lot done. I think we can get more done now that we’ve got all the places online in the perimeter and I’ve been working with my guys on ideas.” He let out a slow breath. “I was an asshole for what I said and I deserved that punch. I don’t have to like her laying into me publicly and drunk but I—that was a low blow.”

“What did you say to my wife, Chris?” I bit out.

“I think I should tell you when he’s not within range,” Moon hedged. He shook his head when Chris actually argued. “Kristof knows how bad his temper is when it comes to Inez, and he can punch your head clean off. Let’s not have a problem.”