I bang my hands on my steering wheel. Fucking Sam. I can’t wait until we can end this bitch.
Starting the engine, I take one last look up at Ariah’s window and try to make peace with what will happen today.
I massage the bridge of my nose, then put the car in drive. Then, with my resolve firmly in place, I say, “She’s always worth it.”
“It’s move-in day, Bitch!”
“It’s about time you got here. I thought you changed your mind about living with me,” I tease as she climbs the last step outside our house.
We both move aside as the movers begin to unload Shay’s things.
She checks her watch. “I’m only thirty-ish minutes late. I’m so glad you refrained from sending out a search party.”
“Whatever, Ho, I’m just happy to see you up and moving around,” I say before embracing her while warding off the immense guilt crushing me for being the reason she was shot. Nausea roils in my gut at the memory of my best friend falling to the ground, and I hold my breath, hoping I won’t need to run to the bathroom.
Shay pulls back from the hug like she can sense the shift in me. “You better not cry, dammit. I’m okay, and the fuckers who were responsible are dead.”
“But yuh bumbo,” She interjects. “You will not blame yourself for the fuckery behavior of others.”
The vehemence in her tone makes me wonder if she isn’t only referring to her being shot.
“This means those fucking idiots. I may love them like brothers, but their stupid decisions are theirs to own,” she continues, confirming my suspicion.
The tenuous hold on my emotions breaks, and warm tears trickle down my face. Lifting my arms, I quickly wipe the evidence of the emotional disaster I’ve become.
“I know,” I resignedly huff. “But it’s easier said than done. I keep assessing where I missed the signs I was being played.”
“You two ever going to actually come inside?” Nando inquires.
Shay arches a brow.
“Security detail. That’s Fernando,” I reply to her unuttered question.
“And just how many Fernandos are there?”
Rolling my eyes, I tug her inside before answering, “A team will shadow me on campus. Reign, Elias, and Fernando will be my primary guards since they’ll also be enrolled as students.”
“You mean there’s more fine-ass men inside?” She quips, making me snort.
“Let’s do a tour, and then I’ll introduce you.”
We walk around the expansive eight-bedroom house aptly named Bradford Manor. It’s usually used when high-ranking officials and famous people visit campus. However, one call from Dad and this place has become home for the next four years, fully decked out in the latest technology and amenities we might ever need.
“Is that an indoor pool?” Shay aptly questions.
“Yup. Apparently, the one in the back isn’t sufficient,” I quip, passing the glass-enclosed heated space.
Shay bumps my shoulder. “Glad to see Colorado hasn’t zapped you of your sarcasm,” she teases, making me laugh.
“Not a chance. Sarcasm is one of the primary food groups required to meet my daily nutritional value goals. It’s doctor-recommended and approved,” I joke and lead her down the hallway to the gym, equipped with a sparring ring for my training. Now that I’m back in Edgewood, Mikhael will once again be tasked with keeping my skills sharp, and I can’t wait to show him what I’ve learned while away.
“Not that I haven’t missed your ass, but are you sure you’re ready to be back?” Shay inquires after we step back into the hallway and head for the game room.