It’s a strange feeling to father children without actually being a father to them, but I know I’m doing them a favor. If only my own father had just given me up after my mom died, I would have been better off. At least then I would have had a shot at being adopted by someone who actually gave a damn about me.
Closing my eyes, I turn my face into the spray. A loud thump makes them pop open.
What the hell was that sound?
I turn the shower off and listen. There’s another thump.
My heart beat picking up, I grab a towel and loosely wrap it around my waist, then tiptoe out of the bathroom. Is someone in the house?
I have a security guard at the front drive, plus a top-of-the-line alarm system, but that last one won’t do any good if I’ve forgotten to turn it on.
And come to think of it, I’m not sure I did switch it back on after coming into the house earlier.
My every muscle tense, I quietly slip into the hallway. I don’t have a weapon on me, not even a bat, so if whoever is in my house is armed, I’m shit out of luck.
Holding my breath, I creep up to the end of the hallway. Just a few yards away, footsteps sound in the den.
I curl my fists, ready to take advantage of the element of surprise and launch myself at whoever is out there — when someone laughs.
I freeze. That was a woman’s laugh.
Stepping around the corner, I find three women and Owen in the den. The girls are sprawled across the furniture while Owen mixes drinks at the bar.
“There you are.” He grins at me. “Nice outfit.”
The women giggle, their gazes dropping to the towel around my waist.
“How did you get in?” I demand.
Owen puts the shaker down. “Security let me pass, and your door was open. The girls and I figured you could use some fun since you’ve been in a bad mood all week.”
I’ve never met these women in my life. Or if I have, I’ve promptly forgotten each of them.
I know what Owen is doing, and he can’t be blamed for it. He’s trying to cheer me up in the usual way, but it won’t work. This time is different.
This time, things are too fucked up to be fixed by a night of drinking and beautiful women.
One of them — a brunette in a tight dress — approaches me. “I hope you’re not planning on changing.”
She bats her eyes flirtatiously, and while usually I would eagerly accept her advances, right now I’m not in the mood.
She reaches for my bare chest, and I quickly grab her hand, stopping her. She frowns, and I release the hold before stepping away.
“Owen.” I pin him with a stare. “I’d like to speak to you. In private.”
Owen’s smile drops, and he nods. “Sure thing, boss.”
I lead him out of the den and into the library, closing the door behind us. The room is dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the moon outside.
I don’t waste any time. “Owen, I don’t have time for this.”
“Come on, Jack. You’ve been walking around the office all week like a bomb is about to go off. Whatever is going on—”
“Leah Woodland is pregnant. With my triplets.”
His jaw drops. “Uh… what? But…”
“I know.” I fold my arms and pace the floor. “Apparently, a vasectomy can fail at any point. It’s rare, but I’m the lucky one.”